12 Quirky Pet Behaviors Explained

If you have a furry friend at home, we have to talk about these quirky pet behaviors!

Your beloved furball brings a lot of joy and love into your life. They probably wake you up in the morning, cherish you with love each time they’re hungry, and use their cute eyes to convince you to give them treats or take them outside.

I don’t know about you, but each time I notice some quirky pet behaviors, my heart melts. They’re so endearing and pawsome; how could anyone not love them? Speaking of that, each furry friend is full of personality and often communicates with their owners in subtle ways. Knowing your companion’s behaviors can help you bond, meet their needs, and contribute to their overall happiness and well-being.

With that in mind, I’m guessing we all want to shower our furry family members with love, care, and attention, but to do so, we have to understand their language. I’ve talked to different pets about how dogs and cats usually behave, and I want to share everything I’ve discovered with you. So, without further ado, here are all the quirky pet behaviors you need to know:

adopting a senior dog communicate dogs, pet behavior
Photo by Jaromir Chalabala from Shutterstock

1. Tail wagging

Tail wagging isn’t exactly a quirky pet behavior, but it can tell more about your furry friend than you know. A relaxed tailwag with a happy vibe usually means your dog is excited and content. But if their tail is tucked or wagging stiffly and quickly, it might signal fear or anxiety. Paying attention to your pup’s body language helps you understand how they’re feeling and keeps your bond strong.

2. Pawing

Pawing is a quirky pet behavior that’s common in both cats and dogs, and it can mean very different things. If your furry friend is pawing at you, it might be a method to seek affection or get your attention. In other cases, your pet might want to tell you they’re thirsty or hungry, so they’ll let you know by pawing at their water or food bowl.

On the other hand, experts say that excessive pawing can be a sign of stress, anxiety, or boredom. You surely want your companion to be happy and playful, so keep track of these pet behaviors so you can respond accordingly to their needs.

pet behavior
Photo by RATATIKUM from Shutterstock

3. Head pressing

Head pressing is when the furry member of your family presses their head against an object or a wall. Vets consider this a quirky pet behavior because it can be a sign of a health issue, such as poisoning, a neurological disorder, or a brain tumor. If you notice your dog or cat constantly doing this, it’s best to take them to the vet ASAP.

…The next quirky pet behavior is something you’ve likely seen countless times!

4. Hiding

When your pet is hiding in a corner or beneath furniture, they might be displaying signs of tension, worry, or terror. This could be triggered by loud noises like thunderstorms, strange environments, or changes in the household’s daily routine. You can help your furry friend by providing a secure and comforting environment.

fluffiest cat breeds, pet behavior
Image By Andrey Tairov From Shutterstock

5. Staring

Have you ever noticed your pet staring at objects, people, or even at you? If your pup or cat is constantly staring at something or someone, it might be due to curiosity or attention, but it could also be a sign of anxiety and discomfort. It’s important to understand your furry companion’s language and context so you can help them when in need.

6. Licking

Licking is another pet behavior that can be understood in different ways, depending on the context. For example, if your pet licks you, it could be to show you love and affection or to let you know they’re hungry or thirsty.

However, excessive licking is something completely different, as it can indicate stress, boredom, and anxiety. As we’ve previously stated, it’s important to keep track of your pet’s behavior so you can determine the nature of their gestures.

7. Biting

Biting is a pet behavior that shouldn’t be neglected, especially if it happens frequently. According to vets, it’s a sign of pain, fear, and aggression. It’s important to not punish your cat or dog for this behavior but rather take them to the vet to see what the cause is and prevent potential injuries.

…The next pet behavior is something you’ll often notice in dogs, and it can reveal a lot! Keep reading to find out what it means!

pet behavior
Photo by Photology1971 from shutterstock.com

8. Chewing

Dogs, especially puppies, tend to chew a lot, and it’s either due to teething, anxiety, or boredom. You can help your pooch by taking them on several walks and giving them appropriate chew toys and snacks.

However, if your pet’s behavior doesn’t stop with their toys, it could be a sign of a serious dental problem or a behavioral issue, so you need to take them to the vet.

9. Rolling

You’re probably used to seeing your adorable pet rolling. It’s a sign of submission, an invitation to play, or a method to ask you for attention. Your cat or dog might also start rolling when they have an itch or when they need to get a good stretch.

On the other hand, if your adorable furball is constantly rolling, they might be suffering from allergies or an annoying skin condition.

10. Zoomies

I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed your pet has a sudden burst of energy. They sprint around the room at top speed, hide, play, and make funny noises. This quirky and lovely pet behavior is commonly known as zoomis. Even though this behavior is typically a sign of joy and pleasure, it can also be a means of letting off steam. If you notice your pet gets the zoomies at nighttime, right before you plan on going to sleep, you can schedule regular playtime and exercise to burn off more energy throughout the day.

Do you find it hilarious when your pet gets the zoomies? I used to worry when my cat started dashing around like crazy, but once I learned that it was just a fun burst of energy, I started joining in on the fun!

11. Scratching

Is there a pet who doesn’t like to scratch? Probably not, because it’s a way to groom themselves or relieve itching. While this pet behavior is natural, too much of it can be alarming. According to vets, excessive scratching can be an indicator of allergies, parasites, or skin irritation. Every pup or kitten has different scratching habits, and it’s important to keep track of them and immediately take action if you notice anything suspicious. Your pet needs you, so pay attention!

12. Vocalization

Pets use vocalization to communicate, and their meows, barks, or chirps can mean different things depending on the situation. If your cat or dog is particularly vocal, they might be expressing pain, hunger, or simply seeking attention. If you want to be an ideal owner, you should pay attention to their vocal patterns and context so you can better understand and respond to your pet’s needs.

Speaking of attention and playtime, if you want to spend quality time with your dear pet, here’s an amazing toy to check out! Did you notice any other quirky pet behaviors? Let’s chat in the comments below because we all want to help our pets feel amazing! If you find this article helpful and would like to check out something else from The Geeky Gecko, here’s a good post for you: These 10 Dog Breeds Are Most Likely to Attack You

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