10 Things Your Dog Does When You’re Not Watching (You Won’t Believe #6!)

These are the things your dog does when you’re not watching!

We love our pups for their playful nature, companionship, loyalty, and unconditioned love, and they can indeed make our lives more beautiful. We try to give them rules and teach them boundaries, and while they’re happy to respect them, things can change when you’re not around or not looking.

According to experts, these unhinged moments offer us a glimpse into their complex personalities and lovely, playful natures. From impromptu play sessions and snack thefts to trashcan adventures, your dog does many things when you’re not watching.

Whether you get mad when your pup does something like this or laugh it off, understanding these behaviors will only help deepen your bond. Whatever the result may be, I’m pretty sure these sneaky behaviors will only make you fall in love with your pet even more.

So, without further ado, here are some of the most common things your dog does when you’re not watching:

things your dog does when you're not watching
Photo by smrm1977 from Shutterstock

1. Stealthy snack raids

Pups are known for being opportunistic eaters, so if they know you have a secret snack stash, they’re more likely to be intrigued, especially when you’re not looking. For example, I’ve secretly watched my lovely Golden Retriever get up on two paws and try to grab a slice of pizza I forgot on the kitchen counter.

So, if you leave food unattended on the counter, table, or even in the pantry, your pup can easily be tempted to take a look. This sneaky behavior usually involves impressive feats of ingenuity because they’re smart enough to plan for the theft without being caught.

I don’t know about you, but I often find this behavior funny and astonishing. It’s crazy to watch the lengths my pup is willing to go to get a forbidden snack.

2. Trashcan adventure

As much as you might hate this, one of the most common things your dog does when you’re not watching is taking a peek in the trashcan. It’s forbidden terrain over there, so why not adventure to see all the “amazing” things that could be hiding in there?

Speaking of that, some pooches find the trashcan a treasure trove of delights. Don’t be surprised if you catch them tipping over the trashcan, looking for something edible or at least interesting.

While this behavior might be funny for your pet, it often leaves a mess behind. Make sure to have a trashcan with a secure lid to outsmart your sneaky furry companion. And, as much as they may annoy you in the moment, it’s hard not to laugh when you see their adorable face and those puppy eyes.

3. Relaxing on the couch

Just think about it: your pooch always sees you lying down on your couch, so why can’t they do the same? Another one of the things your dog does when you’re not watching is jump onto the couch for a sneaky relaxation session.

They might nestle into the cushions, curl up on your spot, or even turn in circles before finding their spot. What can we say? They try to make the most of their alone time and certainly know how to live to the fullest.

You can see how good they feel based on the blissful satisfaction on their face, often paired with the hurried attempt to look innocent when you catch them. How could you not love them, am I right?

…If you want to know what other things your dog does when you’re not watching, keep reading to discover more!

adopting a senior dog communicate dogs, pet behavior, things your dog does when you're not watching
Photo by Jaromir Chalabala from Shutterstock

4. Bed hogging

Many pups love to sit on their owner’s bed, and they won’t shy away from sprawling and enjoying the comfortable sheets when you’re not there. Whether it’s rolling around, stretching their paws, or snoring on your pillow, your furry friend loves to chill on your spot, especially if it’s usually a forbidden place.

Before you get mad seeing your four-legged companion on your bed, remember that it’s their way of being close to you even when you’re absent.

5. Solo toy party

Your pup needs to be entertained, and if there’s no one to play with, they’ll make a party of their own. If you leave your pooch alone, they’re likely to start a solo play session—bouncing their favorite toys around, running after them, and creating their own little games.

Watching a pup enjoying themselves is hilarious, and it makes you think about how special their heart is—finding joy in the simplest things, even if it’s only tossing toys into the air.

6. Mirror gazing

If you’ve ever watched your furry friend looking in the mirror, you probably know how curious or hilarious they can be. Speaking of that, another thing your dog does when you’re not watching is play with their own reflection.

For instance, they might bark, tilt their head in confusion, or even attempt to play with their lovely reflection. They’re fascinated by what they see in the mirror, and it’s only because they’re curious and have a playful spirit.

7. Zoomies

Even though pets often experience sudden bursts of energy known as “zoomies” at any moment, they sometimes happen when they think they’re alone. I always break into a laugh when I watch my big doggo run around the house in a frenzied state of play. It’s cute and amusing.

According to experts, this is a natural way to release pent-up energy, and it offers you a glimpse of how spontaneous, playful, and genuine they can be.

things your dog does when you're not watching

8. The blanket burrow

I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who find the blanket burrow both classy and funny! One of the things your dog does when you’re not watching is dig, squirm, and burrow under the blankets like they’re creating a secret den.

This behavior is rooted in their natural instincts, harking back to their wild ancestors who sought warmth and safety by digging into soft, cushioned spots. Sometimes, your pup might dig frantically for a few seconds, while other times, they’ll curl up and disappear completely under the cozy blankets.

And yes, they’ll look at you like they did something of high importance! With that being said, let’s continue with these things your dog does when you’re not watching, because it’s too funny not to talk about certain cute behaviors!

9. Shoe sneak

The shoe sneak is one of the funniest and naughtiest things your dog does when you’re not watching. They’ll probably eye your favorite shoes like they’re a new, intriguing chew toy, and, if they’re lucky enough to catch a moment alone, snatch one from the hallway or off the shelf.

They’ll have a proud, yet guilty look, and they might even trot away, especially if you catch them with a shoe in their mouth. You might notice that your furry friend prefers to nibble on the pair you wear the most or just carry your shoe around the house like a trophy.

Whatever their reason might be, there’s no doubt that they’ve got a knack for turning your comfy shoes into their playthings. It’s damaging, but also quite adorable (very rarely, though).

10. Furniture tango

We’re almost done with these funny things your dog does when you’re not watching, but we can’t end today’s story without talking about the furniture tango for a bit. We’ve previously mentioned that they’re more likely to relax on the couch or in your bed, but they might also leap onto your furniture, spin in circles, or roll around like they’re under the spotlight at a dance party.

Whether your furry friend is bouncing from cushion to cushion or attempting to dig into the couch as if digging for gold, it can be quite entertaining at times. According to experts, this behavior is a mix of excitement, happiness, and comfort-seeking, or just natural doggy fun.

Do you know of any other funny things your dog does when you’re not watching? Let us know in the comments below—after all, the world of pets is too fun not to share! And if you want to have some fun with your pup, grab a toy and head outside for a good old game of fetch! Until next time, here’s another great post from The Geeky Gecko: 10 Foods That are Poisonous for Dogs

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