What to Do if Your Vet Charges You Too Much

In case your dog, cat, or any other pet needs blood or urine testing at any veterinarian’s office within the past four years, it’s quite possible that you might have been overcharged. In some cases, the company supplying tests and labs to your veterinarian illegally increased the price of its product.

And it’s you in the end who has to pay for it. To be more specific, attorneys are trying to understand whether or not a veterinary test illegally increases the price of its products. And how you might end up paying for it.

To be more specific, attorneys try to look into whether or not a veterinary test manufacturer is engaging in unlawful conduct that forces veterinarians to overpay for specific test kits. However, any extra costs were more than likely passed down to pet owners, and made bills for specific veterinary services with outrageous amounts of money.

It is, in fact, suspected that inflated prices might have been charged for some blood and urine tests, as well as other diagnostic tests performed at the veterinarian’s office. There, blood tests can be easily performed to check for liver and kidney disease.

They are also conducted prior to surgery to check the animal’s tolerance for anesthesia, as well as to assess their overall health. Bear in mind that attorneys are generally looking into whether or not they can file a class action lawsuit against a manufacturer of the tests, not just practicing veterinarians.

Dog Breeds charge
Image by 135pixels from Shutterstock

What can I get from a class action lawsuit?

If you filed it and it turned out to be successful, a class action lawsuit might help consumers get back the difference between what they paid for their pets’ testing and what they should have paid without any alleged scheme to inflate the costs. Further, a lawsuit might help make sure both veterinarians and pet owners are appropriately charged in the future.

How can I tell whether or not my pet’s tests were too expensive?

You probably won’t be able to tell whether or not you might have been overcharged, since it can be quite difficult to establish which company made the tests your pet went through. That’s why some attorneys provide various plans to help you establish whether or not you have been overcharged.

The attorneys can also help request and review all your veterinary bills, at zero cost to you, to establish whether you might be able to start a class action lawsuit. If you think you were overcharged for diagnostic testing at your vet’s office, you should contact your lawyers.

Understanding the costs of veterinary care

Bringing your dog to the vet for a routine check or mild illness might set the stage for this scenario. You sit there for 30 to 60 minutes and leave with some medication. When you go check out, you are somehow shocked at the total of your bill.

How can it be that much? Do you think your veterinarian charges way too much? Well, I am sorry to break it to you, but you might be wrong, in fact. Dogs are quite expensive. We know that veterinary prices can definitely add up, especially if you’re dealing with a sick pet.

However, when it really comes to prices, you’re paying for the expertise. Many vets will prefer undercharging you for their services since the public oftentimes undervalues quality veterinary care.

Veterinarian profit margins

First of all, you have to know that veterinarians aren’t in it for the money. In fact, if all they cared about was money, they would have gone into another field, such as human medicine or dentistry. It is extremely difficult to get into vet school, and there aren’t many other vet schools in the United States.

That’s why it’s quite a competitive education to obtain. You should trust that your vet became a vet because they really wanted to work with animals. It’s not just for the paycheck. The cost of veterinary school is quite similar to the one of medical school.

In fact, the best students complete the exact same amount of school as med students do. However, the average salary for veterinarians is definitely less than half of what medical doctors make, according to recent research conducted by the US News and World Report. New vets also have lower starting salaries and higher debt payments, which makes their living modest at best.

Well, here’s a reality that pet owners tend to forget: veterinary medicine is a business. In order to thrive off of it, a business has to make a profit. Unfortunately, some vet practices don’t make enough profit to adequately reinvest in their businesses.

Even if your vet works in a non-profit facility, a specific amount of income is still needed to cover the expenses and keep the facility running well. Veterinary prices are set to stay just as competitive within the market, to help cover the costs, and to turn a modest profit.

Veterinary expenses

Scientific progress has dramatically increased the ability of vets to provide advanced care, such as diagnostics and treatments which follow for better health and longevity in our pets. However, these new technologies also cost a lot.

The truth is that some of these vet practices still don’t charge enough for their services, since they deeply worry about the way clients could respond. So the next time you think the vet might be overcharging, here’s what to take into consideration:

pet insurance charge
Photo by amedeoemaja from Shutterstock

Salary and staffing costs

Highly skilled and well-trained staff costs a lot of money. But they’re definitely worth the effort. However, many veterinarians are still quite underpaid, especially compared to their counterparts in human medicine.

Supplies, equipment, and facility costs

Supplies, equipment, and facility costs are quite similar to those in human medicine. However, veterinary charges to clients are way lower than their human medicine equivalents. If you don’t believe in this, just ask your doctor’s office or local hospital about their charges for uninsured patients.

How to save money on vet care

Some people cannot afford veterinary care because they are on a fixed income or have trouble making ends meet. If that’s your case, try to look for ways to save money on dog care. Your best bet is to search for low-cost or non-profit veterinary centers.

It’s also advised to purchase pet insurance if you can. Communicate with your vet in advance regarding your financial limitations. Most vets will try to do anything to work within your budget. You can also consider an online veterinarian as an efficient way to find initial answers and establish whether or not you need to bring your pet in for a more expensive in-person appointment.

But if you are balking at vet charges even if you afford them, then we advise you to reconsider. If you can afford a decent vacation and you are willing to budget for it, then you might as well start seeing the value of quality veterinary care.

Like with many other things in life, you get what you pay for. However, this isn’t to say that it’s not smart to plan ahead. You can include all the needed veterinary expenses in your budget. Just make sure you get what you wish for from veterinary care, and that your vet has the needed experience, knowledge, quality staff, and a nice facility.

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