ALERT: Top 4 Deadliest Spiders in North America

Are You Living in North America? You Should Be Scared for Your Life!

In the United States there are various species of spiders, and as we already know, the vast majority of these, are harmless. However, there are 4 species we should be scared of! Have you recently seen one of these deadly spiders in your home? Here is what you need to know!

Wait! Before having an anxiety attack, make sure you check the CDC’s Spider page and learn about what could be found in and around your home. Also, remember that spiders don’t usually bite until they feel attacked! So, when you try to grab your shoes but end up being bitten by a deadly spider… Well, it might be because you disturbed his home. Does it already sound disgusting? Wait ’till you find out more!

Now, enough with the jokes! You should, IMMEDIATELY, seek medical assistance if you think you’ve been bitten by a deadly spider!

Below is a list of the top 4 deadliest spiders from North America. Are you ready to discover them together? Yeah.. me neither.

Image by Macrolife from Shutterstock

Brown Recluse

It already sounds scary, and we didn’t even begin talking about it! Brown Recluses can be found all over the country but are more common in the southern states. They have a brown and violin-shaped body with six eyes arranged in pairs! The bite of a Brown Recluse might not be painful at first but can result in tissue necrosis and a large ulcerated sore. That is not all! Complications may include liver or kidney failure.

This spider’s bites cause permanent scars and very slow-healing wounds. Even though they may seem small and quiet, they love dark spots like shoe boxes and other hard-to-see places. For example, they love to stay under beds! So, next time you clean your home, we kindly advise you to check out what’s underneath your bed.

Black Widow

Black Widow… wow, who even chose these spiders’ names? I am already scared! The Black Widow is the most commonly recognized dangerous spider in the US. The female Black Widow can be easily recognized by its small hourglass shape on the underside of its belly. The hourglass shape can vary in colors, sometimes it’s red, orange, or even yellow.

The Black Widow is far from being a big spider since it only reaches half an inch in size! But please… don’t underestimate it! If you see it around you, you better run for your life! Even a little bite can cause serious illness and death. How the venom destroys the human body? Well, it firstly attacks the nervous system, and some of the most common symptoms after you’ve been bitten by a Black Widow usually are headache, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Even though it’s usually found in the southern states, in reality, the species is spread all over the country.

Image by Dzubenko 2020 from Shutterstock

Hobo Spider

Hobo Spiders can be VERY aggressive, but only if you disturb them! So, if you see a Hobo Spider, make sure you don’t talk, don’t move, and don’t look at it! I am just joking… Or maybe not? No, seriously now, you’d better run! Hobo Spiders can be easily recognized, using a microscope, by their distinctive reproductive organs.

It’s thought that these spiders have originated from Europe and, at present, are found in the northwest region of the country. Hobo spiders are really quick and hard to catch, they can run at a top speed of 1.1 meters per second.

Image by Sanit Fuangnakhon from Shutterstock

Yellow Sac Spider

Yellow Sac Spiders can be found all over the United States and they can easily penetrate human skin with their powerful fangs. Once bitten, the skin becomes swollen, red, and painful. They represent the most common species of spiders in the country, and they are often misdiagnosed as Brown Recluse spiders.

What attracts spiders in your home?

There are a lot of reasons the spiders may feel attracted to your yard or home. For example, the insects are spider’s main food source! So, as long as there are insects around your house, you can expect to see spiders. However, this is not the only reason. Spiders are also attracted to darker places and warmth. They also love fruits and water. So, basically, if you have a beautiful garden it’s impossible not to have spiders!

Spiders can keep pets away from flowers, which is good… But when they make their way into your home, you’ll have a HUGE problem. Normally, a single spider is not a reason to panic. But if you see eggs in your home, it means those egg sacs can contain hundreds or thousands of eggs. Even though they are not as destructive as termites, but you certainly don’t want them inside your house!

Most spiders are harmless to humans, but there are a lot of allergic reactions you can deal with even because of a small bite. Also, you can’t really tell if a spider is harmless unless you are a professional. So, you better keep away from your home and loved ones any kind of spider. If you think the spiders in your home can be dangerous, call immediately a professional exterminator! These leggy creatures can put your life in danger!

How to get rid of spiders in your home? Natural methods

1. Vacuum

Before you try anything else, give your home a vacuum from top to bottom! Pay attention to the closets, corners, and darker spots! When you finish, make sure you clean the vacuum ASAP! The garbage must go immediately out of your house since you might have picked spider egg sacs along the way.

2. Peppermint Oil

Spiders HATE essential oils! It’s interesting how humans can find them really calming. The spiders hate the smell of peppermint, so it might be one of the easiest methods you can use in the battle with spiders. Mix water and peppermint oil and spray the mixture everywhere you think spiders may be!

3. Lemon and Water

Another easy method is to squeeze a lemon into a bottle of water. Spiders don’t like citrus either. So, by using this affordable trick, you might solve the spider problem from your house!

4. White Vinegar

Vinegar has a lot of uses and benefits in our homes. So, mix white vinegar with water and spray the mixture directly on spiders. The acid will kill them in just a few seconds.

5. Baking Soda

Like vinegar, baking soda is another powerful element we all use in our homes. All you have to do is sprinkle a little bit of baking soda in the spots of your home where there might be spiders and they will avoid the scene. Just be careful with the amount of baking soda you use! It might be dangerous for your pets if consumed in large quantities.

If you don’t find any of these natural methods useful, we have another recommendation for you. On Amazon, you can find some of the most effective Spider + Insect Traps, according to their reviews. These traps can capture rapidly all the dangerous spiders from around your home.

Have you encountered any of these spiders? Tell us about your experience in the comment section found below.

If you found this article interesting and you want to know more about this topic, you should also read 7 Most Dangerous Spiders in the World. 

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