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7 WORST Dogs to Have as Pets, According to Vets

Worst Dog
Photo by RugliG at Shutterstock

Great Dane

Average Life Expectancy: About 8 years

Nicknamed as the “Heartbreak Breed,” Great Danes are a big breed. And massive dogs tend to have a shorter lifespan than small and medium-sized dogs just because of their measurements. They CAN make excellent family pets.

When raised and socialized correctly, they can be good around everyone, including children. But, if this breed isn’t raised the way it should be, it can become hyper-aggressive and the worst dog to live with, given the wrong situation.

Since this breed is pretty territorial and powerfully built, they must be given lots of activities and kept in a large yard with a high fence.

Another thing to consider is that Great Danes become grumpy as they age. So you MUST give them lots of attention and understanding as they grow older.

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149 Responses

  1. You guys are so off base! I have a pit/boxer mix. 70/30. He is the friendliest dog Ive ever been around. Loves all humans and other animals…maybe not squirrels. I have met many pitbull owners. They love their pits. Generally super friendly. Not aggressive. And also extremely low maintenance. Get the facts!!
    Have you talked to many vets for their thoughts? Not likely!

    1. Also John Sharp: It’s my belief that pit bulls were raised, not to fight, but to be babysitters. They are loyal to their family. Dog fighters have ruined many pits and their reputation.

      1. They were the Nana dogs for the rich in the ,20s-40s .not born violent the greedy fighters did that!

    2. Your thinking is the reason that PitBulls kill more people that all other breeds combined. They are looking at banning them here in the US. Already banned in many other countries. Because of folks like you that don’t understand canine behavior.

    3. John are off base..the article response to your pet is a direct coralation to the amount of pitbull attacks on people and animals and children..(we actually have pitties on our block..I carry a hunting knife just incase one gets loose..I will kill it!..the owners of these dogs are most of the time not responsible enough to own that breed)..they were bred for a specific..(just like most dogs)…so get over your snowflake attitude and understand your dog in society…I have a 120 lb shepard..people are scared of it because not only his side but he is also on list of dogs as yours is…I don’t play the crying game when people tell me that..I just go on my way…..
      Cause if you going to get so offended by a silly article..stop reading them..(most suck anyhoo!)
      Have a great day john!..
      Pet the pup for me🙂 ..tell em I said “hey pups!!

      1. Shepherds are on this list. Maybe neighbors should carry a knife in case yours gets loose. Both Pits and Shepherds are very protective if their people.
        I’ve been bitten by a shepherd but not a pit. I say this having experience as a dog control officer for 20 years.

    4. I have the best dog I ever had and she’s a pitbull. Loving, gentle, friendly, happy, devoted, well mannered. I can go on and on, but hopefully the tide has changed and the pitbull stigma has changed.

    5. I agree. It also depend how they are trained? Every dog can be friendly.its owner responsibility who they trained and treaded kindness.

    6. I agree 100%!!!!! My son has had a pit mix and a pure bred brown nose stafforshire terrier (pure pittie)Both wonderful, sweet tempered, loving dogs!!!! He just got another pittie mix and he is the same way! Just like people, it depends alot on how they are raised and most importantly, LOVED!!!

    7. I had a pit once before and he was also a very sweet dog and I think it’s all on how they are raised. His name was Harley, but he had his moments and I never turned my back on him. I also had a black lab along with Harley and he would protect the lab as well. Some one tried to break into my home, and Harley was not having it! So again, it’s all on how a pit is raised

    8. Pit bulls are more dangerous than other dogs. That said, pit bull attacks can cause a lot of damage due to their size, strength, and determination. Pit bulls also have an incredibly strong jaw that allows them to clamp down on their target, leading many victims of pit bull bites to say the dog would not let go. They are not aggressive until they are. Many owners and children have been mauled by them despite their owners claiming they were super friendly. No insurance company wants to insure them. Wake up to reality.

    9. Sure, we know, it’s the owner, not the breed. When reports of Golden Retrievers eating peoples faces come out be sure to let everyone know

    10. U know y they say that cuz they probably never had one. We were raised around pitbulls and my father taught us to always respect the animal. The minute u stop respecting the animal that’s when he will turn on u.

    11. Thank you John!!!
      I have had the pleasure of being a pittie mom for over 30 years and they are my favorite!!!!!
      I have not feared for my life I have enjoyed every minute I have had with all of them and my only regret is that they couldn’t be here with me longer in this life!!!! The BEST family members I could ever have they loved 🥰 me and took care of me through health issues never wanting to leave my side and were the best companions and family members ever!!! I will protect them defend them til I die!!!! The biggest hearts ❤️ and total love ❤️ snd devotion I have for them!!! Instead of getting rid of breeds let’s start with ASSHOLES and go from there, then let’s start with when did a pit/ any dog rape a woman or child??? Never but we let them still live and commit more crimes , then when was it a human ever sniffed out a cell phone ??? They are more valuable than a lot of those that are taking up valuable air!!!

    12. Pit bulls match their owners!
      If the owner is nice and friendly then so is the dog!
      If the owners are insecure, unpredictable and fearful then the dog is the same!
      Their default is sweet and lovable however they will mirror their owners

    13. Pit Bulls used to be called Nanny dogs because they were so good with children!
      I have had & still have a Pit Bull as does my daughter. They are the most loving & devoted dogs. The only negative…& probably due to being a rescue…is my one dog had separation anxiety & had to be crated in a high impact crate when I wasn’t able to take her with me.
      I wish people would research the breed & stop trashing them!!!

    14. The article about pit Bulls states they have natural aggressive tendencies. NOT TRUE!!!
      Fighting dogs like the ones Michael Vick owned were routinely tortured, starved & abused & lived in horrendous conditions.
      When Vick’s ring was broke up & he was arrested, 5 of his dogs were rehabbed & adopted! Pretty amazing if you ask me!!!

    15. I’m an ER doctor of about 30 years.
      I see a lot of dog bites, many to the face of children. I can swear to you the majority of these dogs are Pitt Bulls or Pitt Bull mixes.
      Just my observation.

    16. True very True I had a pit/boxer he was a great dog great with my kids and my wife and everyone around her Awesome animal smart incredibly.

    17. There are neighborhoods where owners go out of their way to abuse their pit bulls to make them super agressive. This is what makes them as a breed unreliable. Make a large dog agressive and you will have a problem. When an owner calls his dog an American Staffordshire, it is an indication that he has made an effort to raise a well behaved pet and not an attack animal.

    18. I agree John.. Initially Pitties were NOT bred to fight.. they were more commonly known as “Nanny Dogs” due to their protective nature and were raised to be around babies and children..
      That and I don’t believe in a bad breed, just bad owners! 🙂

    19. i never heard of a lab or a golden retriever attacking and killing them or tearing them up for life just because yours may be fine others sure are not . a very dangerous breed in many ways and many of a pit owner have echoed your same words until…….

      1. At 56 yrs old, I’ve had pets my entire life. Dogs, cats, birds, albino mice…you name it I had it! And my last was a Staffordshire Terrier, otherwise known as a “pit bull”, which isn’t even a breed by the way. He was by FAR the best fur baby I’ve ever had!!! He was kind a gentle and just wanted to be loved. It’s not the dog to blame! It’s the owner!!!

      2. First dog I was attacked by as a child was a golden. ALL dogs have the capacity to be aggressive, it’s often due to the owners not properly socializing/training them as pups. I currently have 2 pit/mastiff mixes that do great with doggy day care and play groups. The older one prefers to hang out with people and get belly rubs while the younger one just loves everybody and will slobber you to pieces if given the chance.

      3. I agree Al, I’ve read enough about these dogs being totally unsafe around children and adults and even their owners to be convinced that of the group listed, which is spot on, they are probably the worst!

    20. I loved our blue nose with all my heart but he did attack me. He was almost 8 years old at the time and we had him since he was 8 weeks old. He was the smartest dog we’ve ever owned. I actually KNOW a lot of people with pits and they are such good dogs like ours was but you just never ever know. So the fact is it could happen and when it does these dogs are very strong and can cause a lot of damage. Need to always be aware, especially when there are children around. You never know.

    21. I agree with you. All of these breeds (although pit bull isn’t a specific breed, but rather a group of breeds that tends to get lumped together) tend to require a more responsible pet owner that will properly socialize and train them from a young age. I had a childhood friend that had a ‘pitbull’ and we could wrestle with him for as long as we wanted and he never once snarled or tried to bite (this was back in elementary school and junior high). I’ve often found the smaller breeds to be much more aggressive, likely due to not socializing/training.

    22. I walked a small white female pit as a volunteer at my local humane society for a year before she was adopted. The entire staff adored her, and if I hadn’t been renting, I would have taken her. I would sit on a bench with my left arm around her after our walk, and talk to her. I trusted her to be that close to my face because she never showed anything but love to anyone. She even ignored the other dogs When I walked her past the other kennels as they barked at her.

    23. Agree 💯.
      Unfortunately it’s the nasty unruly owners that teach them to become fighting 🐕 and very aggressive 😤. I had a full breed Staffordshire Terrior. He was my best friend, loved to play at the dog park ❤️, he was a great great dog. Wrong people have put a black mark on pitbulls.

    24. Pits are the best!!!!! Mine is a sweetheart. They get a bad rep because of BAD owners. It pisses me off when people talk trash.

    25. I agree With you 100%, I had a Stafford triple terrier. Sweetest dog I have ever owned everyone in our community.Love that dog especially the kids.

  2. i currently have TWO Great Danes ages 11 and 12. they are the sweetest animals in the world and i wouldn’t trade them for anything. both are adopted. the younger one was abused and we had some issues when we first rescued her at age 4 but she is the sweetest little girl. I would recommend Danes to anyone. Our first was a male and he would wait in our driveway for school to let out to play with the kids every day. He did die young (8) which is why we replaced him quickly with our current two.


    2. I agree with you 1000 % my Dane past away at 13 years old never replaced her only because of the thought of losing such a sweet and wonderful loving Dane again is to much to bare.

    3. I adopted a 2-12 yr old Mantle Dane, and he was The Best dog ever….more human than dog. He liked everyone but kids because at his first home the next door neighbor kids threw rocks at him. He was not aggressive to kids…he would just tyrant walk away.

      I had to say goodbye two weeks before he was to turn 8 because he had painful degenerative neuropathy. I still miss him 10 years later.

  3. Pit Bull is not a breed of dog — it is a class of dogs. The class contains several breeds to include the breeds American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

      1. I’m surprised that they didn’t mention cane corso. My youngest daughter had an ESA in the form of the silliest, friendliest, and very protective pup. He kept my daughter safe and she was able to go out without her anxiety getting the best of her. He was well trained as he only took commands from her, but he protected all of us!

    1. Thank you for clarifying this. Mine is an American Pitbull Terrier who we rescued at one year old (vet’s best conclusion). We’ve had her for eleven years.

    2. Pit bulls are amongst the dumbest, most destructive dogs that I have ever been around. They get tangled up and don’t know how to untangle themselves. A German shepherd would easily untangle themselves. Even my English Mastiff could unwind her chain. The pit dog will drag out her 5 gallon water bucket placed in a tire and dump it. She kills anything that gets near her on the farm. Cats, small dogs,, chickens, ect. If I were not dog sitting her for my grand daughter, I would go out and put a .44 through her head. This is the most useless breed that I have ever had on my advise, get a different breed!!!

  4. Named after Mt Shasta in northern calif, my Alaskan Malamute-German Shepherd cross who lived for 11 years was a fantastic companion dog. Was my loyal hiking, camping and traveling buddy. Easy to train, very social with adults, children and other dogs. When certain humans or other species concerned her, she alerted with a low growl but was never aggressive or bit anyone. Good protector, not much of a barker and was really a “shadow” dog. Only criticism I had was her love of digging. She destroyed all backyard plants and lawn during her lifetime.

    1. It’s true I had a pitbull who was a named Oreo. Loving dog he would watch over me ex-wife. I called him a big whimp he would hide under the blanket when he heard fireworks or would climb up in my and missed him. There are no bad dogs only bad owners. I have a shepherd. And my daughter has a German shepherd she is loving I can’t believe Alaskan malamute is on this list mine was mixed German shepherd and malamute he was gentle and loving my best friend growing up

  5. We have adopted and loved many Great Danes. All were gentle giants except one. As you described, he was hyper active and nuts. Due to his behaviors it was advised we put him down when he was 9 months old and already 120 lbs. Our other Danes were wonderful but expensive. The giant breeds cost more to feed and medical bills are much higher due to their size. Potential owners must take that into consideration as they become part of your family and you want to keep them happy and healthy. Plus be prepared to wipe slobber high off your walls when they shake their heads!

  6. I’m 79 and prefer big dogs. When 3 kids were little we had a wonderful German Shepherd for 8 yrs.
    After that, we had 5 pairs of Great Danes, owners have two, all colors, and my favorite dog. All my
    children are now big dog folks, with Danes and Mastiffs and never a problem – lucky or smart owners I guess. my Danes live to be over 10, 11 12 never slept on cement or were over weight. Our good fortune carries on today, having had 3 or the 7 breeds, amazing.

    1. I always prefer big dogs too. My husband does too, and my mother did as well..

      Some small dogs are cuties, I’ll admit … but,they’re hardly even big enough to see😉. After all, they’re all descended from wolves and there are *no* wolves the size of a miniature poodle, let alone a toy, or a teacup!

  7. I had a Rottweiler and he was the sweetest dog and I had a baby and a major. Nobody went near him so I don’t wanna hear nothing bad about Rottweilers

    1. I had a rott/ husky great dog he lasted 11 years i miss him alot my beast friend an was frindly with people

      1. Wow half Husky half Rottweiler – he sounds like he was a cool dog for sure!
        I know what you mean too.. you loved him and he loved you.. of course you still miss him.
        I understand.
        I love German Shepherds.. they live a good long time compared to many dogs, but this one had very seriously bad arthritis and bone spurs that caused him great pain and at 6.5 years we had to have him put down I cried for months and I still think of him.

    2. It literally says if not we’ll trained in every breed it deemed aggressive. Didn’t say one time that the breed in general was not good to own so…

  8. I bred and raised Great Danes for 25 years. They are not territorial or aggressive. I imagine you could find one that had those characteristics, but that is uncommon for the breed. They are lazy, sweet and good natured. They are called the Heartbreak Breed due to their early deaths. They are also called the Gentle Giants because they are both. My children learned to walk using our Danes for support. I never worried about my babies taking naps with my dogs. They were very tender with them. They do not need a large fenced in yard, but that would be nice for them. They are excellent pets for anyone who will invest their time in training them as puppies. If you do not take that time, you should not own any dog, but it especially important with a dog who will over-power you in no time at all.

    1. I love my nephews Great Dane. She is so sweet and such a well behaved dog. They have 3 kids. One is 13 and the other two are 2 1/2 and the other baby is 5 months. I would love to own a Great Dane after seeing this dog around these children and just people in general. They are gentle giants.

      1. Such is my experience too, Robin.. Great Danes are big (so lots of food needed) and they often don’t live as long as other big dogs.
        BUT your experience is like mine. Great Danes are sweet and gentle and kind and seem kinda simple. But they’re very good nonetheless, and they’re sensitive to children.

  9. I’m a dog owner our small dog is a great member of our family I’m so sorry to see so many dogs that are very aggressive and could cause great harm to people.
    I have friends that had Akitas and Rittewellrs but we’re well trained.
    That’s the Most Important Thing

  10. We own two of the breeds listed – German Shephard and Alaskan Malamute. Both are great with children and defend their families. I do agree that the Malamute is difficult. This one is our 4th Malamute, three purebreds and one Shephard/Malamute mix. The mix was the best , smartest and easiest to train. Malamutes are stubborn and difficult to train. They definitely are destructive, we’ve lost chairs and couches, outdoor cushions, dentures, glasses, and tons of toys. After they are two they tame down and are mostly out of the chewing stage however, they always remain food aggressive. You also have to watch their aggression toward other family pets. This one and the last had a terrible problem with our boxer, who was older. Malamutes like to assert their dominance and you have to make sure they know who is alpha. Our Shephard, on the other hand, is mellow and just holds back. He loves kids and runs with them, and will put himself between other people and dogs who they are leery of,.

    1. Toni, I;m a dog and cat lover. I ours now is a rescue .She is Australian Shepherd and Dingo. We were blessed with a brace of Malamutes for14 years. a terrific.time in my life, He was a champion defender of me and his pack. Train them early! Very loyal. Obedient if you do early. Just love those dogs!

    2. I remember walking a malamute at the humane society. He was friendly and sweet, but I was not prepared for the food aggression when I handed him a biscuit! No gentle taking it out of my hand there!

  11. I have breed and raised bull
    Mastiffs for many years! They were breed as guard dogs for sentry work in Europe years ago NOT WAR dogs!!
    They are protective just as any other animal would be as part of their pack! I’ve raised my children around them from babies and never once a problem. So I’m not sure where your getting your information but you might check with reputable Breeders for their input before spewing drool about dogs you don’t know anything about, except reading stats which can be skewed any way one wants them! Thanks

    1. Thank you for your comment!! There was the biggest male mastiff I have ever seen at the dog park.
      He seemed to enjoy watching my two tiny poodles. It was so hot and all dogs at least got near the edge of the water.
      There was a big train of dogs having a great time running in place in and out the water.
      If the “ train” got too close to my little dogs, this beautiful big dog just stood up. The train moved over.
      We had a beautiful day❤️

  12. Informative and well written article. So important to educate prospective dog owners before they buy or adopt a certain breed.

  13. i think you are correct especially regarding pit bulls. a danger to people and other animals. that’s why you see mostly this type in shelters to be adopted. people don’t realize what they are getting

    1. Had pit bull mix she was gentle dog of all it way they are train any dog who train right will be aggressive big and small we had few type of dogs through years and all were great with the kids and grand children

    2. Have you ever owned one before you make your comments? I have two 10 month old pix mixes and they are super sweet with everyone. They have never destroyed a single thing and love kids. My daughter was bit by a dog as a child and it was a tiny terrior type. So any dog can be good or bad it is the owners that influence it.

    3. My local humane society had a female pit bulls for over a year before she was adopted, and every single person there loved her. She was sweet, loving,well behaved, and totally non-aggressive towards other dogs. I would cuddle with her on a bench and talk to her. She would look up at me as if she understood everything I said.

    4. I disagree. Most pitties are great if the owners take the time and effort to train them. That’s why so many end up in shelters; It’s not always the dog’s fault,but the uneducated owners. Anyone who is thinking about adopting a pet (dog, cat, pig, llama, whatever) HAS to learn as much about the particular animal they are interested in. Otherwise, it’s a recipe for bad feelings, and in controlled bad behavior. Pets are like children; they need to learn who’s the Alpha in the family and what is acceptable behavior.

    5. I don’t know about that. It’s true that with those jaws, Pit Bulls are dangerous IF they’re not trained. Or if they’re impossibly inbred and something is wrong mentally.. unfortunately there are always some who will never get better.
      But Infeel terrible for the poor pit bulls in shelters.. they’re scared and sad and want someone to love them . With appropriate training they aren’t aggressive or dangerous.
      Secondly, people need to stop allowing them to mate and breed over and over again. The more there are, and with people afraid of them.. the pups are left in shelters. 😔

  14. This list is awesome and very much appreciated ..I am not an animal lover but I have a great fear of huge dogs. The pit bull I hate the most. I’m glad it was on the list..oddly enough one was loose the other day and was following us and getting close as we walked fast to get away ..luckily our building was right there

    1. I have only owned one Rott He was never neutered he weighed 135 lbs and he had a mind and a sense of humor When we moved to a new home he took off to look around. The house is on a acre but other houses used the easement through our property When we realized he was gone we went looking for him. we didn’t find him so we came home He was here. Preventing the neighbors from leaving their driveway and the neighbor was a cop. He was glad to see us, Said he was considering shooting him. Typical Doberman behavior. ” you can come in My people are’t home” You just can’t leave until they get here.”

    2. Oh for heaven’s sake. I’m sorry you fear dogs.. but that may be the reason they bark or seem unfriendly with you.
      Pit Bulls can be the sweetest most affectionate dogs.
      They shouldn’t be overbred and then tossed aside if a landlord won’t rent to their owners.
      But you hate pit bulls?!

  15. I worked as an Emergency room nurse for 20 years the worst case of dog attacks i have seen are from the Akita bar none. Even being raised in a family they only answer to the one person who is the Alpha in the family all others fall behind the Akita. Even simple horse play with the alpha in the house hold will cause the Akita to attack the other member of the family. The dog bites I’ve seen have been against family members who were mostly engaged in horseplay with the alpha in the household.

    1. I’ve had 2 Akita’s. one long hair and one short hair never had a problem with them they were wonderful Protecters. anyone can walk into my house of course only family and friends. loved that they were not barkers. especially when a stranger was at my door, they just wait with their teeth clearly visible and waiting for the stranger. Great Dogs even with kids in the park that they didn’t know. I only train them to go out to do their necessity. BEST DOGS AND PROTECTERS.

    1. You forgot loving, uses intimidation not aggression to protect its family and friends. The most friendly gentle giant!

    2. I have a pure bred great Pyr that I rescued from a big dog rescue. He was 9 most & over 90 lbs. His problem was playing to aggressively, which is probably why his previous owners gave him up. He is over 2 now and has finally calmed down with training.
      He doesn’t hardly ever bark, except when he is inside at night and someone is around our home. Many people have commented on how quiet he is. I can walk him off his lease and he doesn’t take off. He is very socialized and has never showed aggression toward any person or animal.
      I have 2 adult daughters with families and they are both are on their 2nd Pyr & I’m also on my 2nd and we love them.
      They are protective and make great inside family dogs.

    3. I met a 7 year old great Pyr in a rescue who had been a livestock guardian on a sheep ranch until he killed a bobcat. The owners did not like that! He spent the next year in a cage until a neighbor rescued him. He was the sweetest dog ever. A family of five adopted him and he slept with the boy, the first time he was ever in a house. He loved it and the family loved him.

    4. My niece has a Great Pyrenees and she is the sweetest and most beautiful dog. She would bark at people passing by outside but a lot of dogs do that. The shedding has nothing to do with this article or being aggressive. Yes I’m sure they make good guard dogs when a stranger doesn’t belong.

  16. The last statement; “Also, if not trained from an early age, they can become dominating towards everyone around them, including their owners.” Isnt this true for any dog that is not trained properly? I train my own, have owned shepherds in the last 30 years and can attest they are the smartest and most loyal dogs that I have ever owned.

    1. The most important words in the message are training. I agree that any untrained dog can be a problem as well as dangerous.Teach them while they are young that YOU are the boss!

  17. Thank you. Owners never believe their loving dogs can attack. Years ago a neighbor’s Akita killed my Pekingese in a split second even though they knew each other for many months. Years after that a neighbor in a different city lost hold of her German Shepherd that killed my chihuahua. Both of my dogs were passive & the attacks were within seconds.

    1. I am so sorry for your losses. I love animals, but there is no way that I would keep any pet that would harm for zero reason.
      This is a horrible burden for your heart to carry around. Lord, I ask that you bless this lady for her suffering. Amen.

  18. We have had German Shepherds and the only thing I did not like was all the hair, you had to take care of them, other than that they were great.

  19. If you have to rely on a book or a video to train a Herman shepherd why would you use? I cannot afford professional training and I am also disabled.

  20. Listing a German Shepherd dog as one of the worst breeds to own was without merit! I have owned 2 and been around many others. They will not turn on children. One of the things I read up on them before getting my first one was , that they are fiercely loyal and protective of children in the household! When my kids were young we could leave them to play in the backyard and he was a great babysitter! We were in the house of course and would take notice every once in awhile! He kept them very safe!

    1. We had a shepard/ husky we had him for close to 13 years…he was the best dog we have ever had and we had a few over the years… He was so obedient .. the yard 3/4 of an acre not fenced and he would never leave the yard at all even while chasing a rabbit he would stop at the edge of the property and never leave the yard…He was so smart and loved to be with my grandchildren.. the vet told us you couldnt as for a better mix being shepard/husky she claimed he got his intelligence from the shepard and his playfullness from the husky…

  21. Stop with the nonsense already! Any dog can be aggressive. Humans create most of the bad traits and then blame the poor animal!

    1. THANK YOU! I WAS WONDERING IF ANYONE WAS EVER GOIN G TO BLAME THE “OWNERS”!… Any Breed can be taught to be mean, my Chihuahuas are so mean that I have to put them up when people come over. But my Frenchie is soooo sweet. Chi’s should be #1 on the list cause you don’t have to make them mean, Mean lil boogers lol

  22. This is your Opinion not true Facts
    What you call pity is not actually true.
    There are many breeds to these so called pit bulls
    I’m on my second staffy rescue.
    I personally wouldn’t own any other dog. You only trait I think one should worry about is that they’re very very protective of children.
    Any dog not properly trained can be dangerous?
    I’ve come across many vicious chihuahuas. I think if you’re gonna write an article like this. You should become familiar with what you’re writing about personally.

  23. This article should be titled -‘ dogs that lazy owners should never have’. All of the dogs listed can make great pets, they just require some (or a lot) of work on the part of the owners. Chihuahuas should be on this list too.

  24. My vet is Kevin Fitzgerald. He’s adored my last pocket pit as well as my staffing. Both have had 0 aggressive behavior. My pocket pit lived 17 yrs. The staffing is now 4 yr. I’ve had to defend both against stray aggressive dogs.
    Neither have ever had professional training.
    Any animal can be aggressive if raised incorrectly.

  25. Lol, I laugh at the comments. All animals are different and they are easy to understand but you have to learn, take the time out with them they only want to learn from you and do what makes you happy and act accordingly to how you feel. I’ve had cats who watched me and did what I said without giving them direct contact.
    My crossbreed I received him as a puppy, very protective because he only enjoyed being around me and my family he’s 100. Loves playing catch and with our German shepherd whose very friendly and obedient.

  26. I owned an Akita, and you are spot on. We had to give her away because she was very, I mean very territorial and aggressive. She was a protector towards my son when he was born. Sometimes she would growl at me if I went near him. When she went after my neighbors’ kids is when she had to go. I loved her but there was no way I could control her, so some nice people had a big farm, and they took her. I now have a shiatzu and Carian terroir.

  27. I have had eight German Shepherds. I currently have two. You are so off base regarding behavior around children. They protect them, if anything. One of them is a professionally trained Tier 3 Shepherd. He wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless he had to or was told to…..the other is currently being trained as a Protection dog, as well, and he is wonderful with children.

    If they are true working dogs, like mine, they do take a lot of work and their level of activity is very high, but, clearly, once again, they would not hurt a fly unless the situation called for it.

    They are brilliant, loyal and loving dogs.

  28. You guys are really way off course. I have been around every single one of these dogs, one time or another, and to them I was a stranger and never had an issue with any of them at all. Everyone of them was very friendly, even when my sister was living on base her neighbor behind her had the boxers and they would jump the fence into her yard to play with her Rottweiler. They never seen me before. They both came up and knocked me on my butt giving me kisses you guys are off you need to check talk to people. and I have been around an Akita you are partially right on territory when I was working, my boss would bring hers to work and anytime you got near the cage that she kept her and she would growl, but that was it once it got used to you she was OK and a German Shepherd. I grew up with they can be vicious and they can be so sweet now a shepherd that you don’t have on here is a Belgian Malinois Now this one I have never been around, but I have her can be very territorial. They are very beautiful dogs.

  29. This is stupid, For every dog, They basically say that if this dog is not raised correctly it can be aggressive and dangerous… Well, guess what? That is for ALL dogs. and cats, and hamsters and rats, etc..

  30. I’ve been around dogs most of my 70 years. I’ve been bitten 3 times and had a family member bitten twice. The biting dogs: shitz tsu, chiuhahua (2x-once requiring hospitalization), a basset hound (which left permanent scarring on my 8 year old son) and a pit bull (which happily let me pet her going into the house, but grazed me on the leg when her owner yelled at her as I left.) My 4 German shepherds and my Rottweiler were sweethearts as were the boxer bulldog mix and my dad’s pitty. Dogs behave as they are trained and as they are treated. Inexperienced persons should probably not get a dog that is smarter than a three year old. but as for me, the smarter the dog, the better I like them.

  31. Thank you for this article. I think it would be awesome if you could do a article/book on “Is Your Favorite Breed a Good Fit for your Family?
    People should do the required research about the breed they want because appreciating its appearance is not enough knowledge to go out and buy one.
    As you frequently stated throughout the article all dogs are trainable; however, you must maintain the dog’s best interest and health when making the decision to adopt one.
    Are you willing to do the maximum for, provide for, work with your breed to maintain its stability and happiness? Are you available? Are you physically capable (now, not I’ll get in shape while doing it)? Are you committed to keeping others safe around your breed? Are you committed to keeping your breed safe around others? Vet fees are also a must to consider while deciding to adopt your breed.
    The more you learn, the more you’ll know if you can provide the breed a happy home or be able to admit that you need to consider other breeds. You can still appreciate your favorite breed and know that your choice to go with a different breed is a choice that made at least 2 dogs happy, the one you decide you can provide for AND the one you wisely decided you would not be a good fit for.

  32. Any animal can become aggressive if not treated or trained properly. If people are unpredictable, why not animals. Do your homework and research before you buy or adopt and maybe the shelters won’t have to euthanize so many animals.

  33. I think you are completely iwrong. Have you not heard this fact which is absolute truth.
    ” There are no bad dogs, just bad owners “

  34. We own a pit Bull and our Sasha Rottweiler we resuced are loving as can be . They want to be with all the time. Friendly to people and especially to young kids. Maybe people have a problem with pets because they don’t bring them up with love

  35. 30 years of animal rescue, all breeds. Owner of a houseful of Labradors, all colors, 40 years. Owner of mixed breeds, big and little, 78 years. One thing I can absolutely tell you is that there are no Bad Dogs, just Bad Owners. A dog is a responsibility, just like a child. If you do not care for it and provide appropriate environment, nutrition and training, the poor dog will be “on their own” and akin to a child with no discipline. Dogs have natural intellect and can communicate. They can understand you. If you watch and listen, you can understand them. You are their world. If they don’t turn out right, it is because of you, not them. Never keep a dog outside, or on a chain or in a crate for long periods of time. Place yourself in their place and if you wouldn’t like it, neither will they. Now go hug your dog. Nana

  36. The love of my life was Kiwi, a white German Shepherd. No problema. She was alert, obedient, gentle, loving… We walked a couple of miles every day !

  37. What about the giant schnauzer? I’ve been around several and they both were super scary..and only listened to the alpha owner. Imposing and were just right up on you. It is a breed that should be on this list. Training and socialization are very key…any dog can become vicious..terriers especially.

  38. The worst dog to have as a pet is one that the owner doesn’t take the time to train and socialize. Doesn’t matter the breed. I have 2 mastiff/pit mixes (according to a DNA test, there’s a few other breeds in there as well) and they couldn’t look more different (one takes more after the mastiff at 110lbs and the other is only about 45lbs). But both are wonderful, friendly social girls. If you’re not careful, the smaller one will slobber you to death.

  39. They are on point, and saying good things about the dogs but there are things to consider. I have had most of these and yes great dogs, but I have witness the bad from folks that do not take good care of them and then the bad things occur. It is good to read this so we can educate others on the proper care of these great pets and family members.

  40. We had a cocker spaniel. She was the best dig I’ve ever had. At 6 weeks old she was completely house broken. She was so friendly and just an over loving pet. Smart as a whip. At night we’d say time for bed, she would walk with us and go under our bed make sure few turns and I’d say time to go to sleep and she would plop down and go to sleep. She developed tumors on her back and stomach. Our baby grandson was learning to walk and he would pull himself up by leaning on her back. She would gently take his arm and move it to another area on her back. Never had any problems. She was easy to train her to listen to commands. Snep your fingers and she would roll over. Only thing was she had no sense of direction. If she was outside she would get so lost.
    Had to put her down after 8 years due to cancer. I still miss her after 30 something years.

  41. Your list is opinionated and not truthful. Is the geeky gecko a dog hater?Ive had malamutes and they are the most loving dogs. The they shed twice a year , for 6 months at a time Lol! Any one adopting a dog, should investigate the breed they are interested in.

  42. I see many people who are very defensive of their dog breeds. This article isn’t attacking anyone’s dog but giving advice to people who may not understand that their breed has tendencies that MAY make them more aggressive in certain situations. Inexperienced owners may not understand the different characters of different breeds and should be made aware of potential problems. I have a German shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix that is great with people but I understand her protective nature and don’t take chances.

  43. That’s why I own a cat… no offense to dogs, but My Calico and Maine Coon are my “kids” who love their Uncle Pete.

  44. Always have been astounded that these articles never even mention the Bouvier.One of the large breeds that’s hypo allergenic, non shedding,non drooling.Astoundingly smart dogs that rarely bark and are very cunning about trapping and holding even human prey.Because of their size intelligent owners recognize that good training is essential but often discover their dog will usually outsmart them DURING training and need to make sure they never give their dog the impression that they’re seceding “boss” status because the Bouvier WILL take over.

  45. Akitas are also notoriously fussy eaters. A friend of mine in Japan owns a part-Akita and has to hand cook the dog’s meals. From the pictures of the dog’s food that she shares,, it looks like the dog eats better than me. Lucky Dog!

  46. What people don’t realize is that any dog can be aggressive. It’s all in the way that it is trained and or raised.

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