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This Vet Would NEVER Own These 5 Dog Breeds – Here’s Why

How do you know which dog breed is best for you? Find out a professional’s opinion!

Every dog is different, and when we want to adopt a fluffy friend, we should consider all the aspects. Specialists believe that there is a dog breed for all kinds of humans, we should just learn how to discover ourselves first and choose our perfect match and best friend for life.

Life with a pet isn’t easy at all and it’s essential to establish a strong bond with your four-legged friend from the beginning. Beyond any doubt, you heard a lot of people complaining about their dog’s behavior over time. Maybe they just made the wrong choice. Have you thought about that? Continue reading to find out a vet’s opinion. He made a list of 5 dog breeds he would never adopt and also explained why.

Dog Breeds
Image by Friends Stock from Shutterstock

“Ben The Vet”

Ben Simpson-Vernon is a famous veterinarian on TikTok. He is known by the public as “Ben The Vet” and even though he isn’t as active on the platform anymore as he used to be, his videos are still going viral. Simpson-Veron addressed many topics, but some of the most liked and shared were: “7 Dog Breeds At High Risk Of Heatstroke”, “Average Lifespan of Cat Breeds According to Latest Research”, “6 Reasons Flat-Faced Dogs Are Popular Despite Health Problems”, and “4 Dog Breeds at Higher Risk Of Heart Disease”. By far, the video that made him popular is the one with the subject this article is focusing on.

5 dog breeds Ben Simpson-Vernon would never own

The UK-based vet underlines that these are just his opinions after years and years of working with pets. He also underlines that the reason he doesn’t like these breeds has to do with the animal’s welfare and not personal grievances. Continue reading to find out why Ben The  Vet doesn’t recommend you adopt one of these breeds.

1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

“They are the loveliest dogs and if I was gonna pick a dog breed for myself, it would be the Cavy- if it weren’t for all their health issues.” – says Simpson-Vernon.

What are the health issues the breed is dealing with? Simpon-Vernon mentioned one of the most dangerous: mitral valve disease. This heart disease is very common in Cavaliers. The breed is more likely to develop health problems at an early age, and according to the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, there aren’t any successful treatment options. Unfortunately, a lot of Cavaliers spend their last hours coughing and struggling to breathe.

2. Chow Chow

Simpson-Vernon says that Chow Chow dogs tend to be really aggressive at the vet. This breed has appeared over time in numerous lists of the most dangerous dogs in the world. Did you know that? Even though, when you see a Chow Chow and its wonderful fur, the last thing you can think of is its aggressiveness, the breed is known for being very unpredictable, making it seriously dangerous. Children love Chow Chow but it’s already clear enough that adopting a dog of this breed isn’t a great idea for a family with small children.

Kids tend to be very playful and a wrong gesture can be wrongly interpreted by dogs, making them bark and get angry.

As of 2016, Forbes reported the breed accounted for 10 fatal attacks since 1982, in addition to 62 maimings.

Their behavior doesn’t make them “bad” dogs, let’s say that they are just not for everyone.

Simpson-Vernon also includes these problems about the Chow Chow breed:

  • serious health issues, such as eye problems. According to the American Kennel Club, these dogs have eyelids that can roll inward, causing irritation and pain. Some dogs will need entropion surgery, which isn’t cheap at all. Forbes estimates it to cost between $400 and $2,000, on average.
  • it’s difficult to find muzzles that fit their larger faces.
Dog Breeds
Image by 135pixels from Shutterstock

3. Shar-Pei

Their wrinkled faces are the cutest but unfortunately, they are also a source of dangerous health issues. “They have a disease named after them called Shar-Pei fever” says Simpson-Vernon.

Shar-Pei fever is also known as Familial Shar-Pei Fever and is a chronic auto-inflammatory disorder that causes fever and swelling. The most dangerous cases lead to organ failure.

It’s hard to see your pet suffer and sometimes the costs of medical interventions are unbelievably high, making it hard, almost impossible to save them. All these conditions should be taken into consideration to avoid hurting the dog, and also to avoid unpleasant situations that can deeply affect the owner’s mental health. For some individuals, losing their pet caused them serious cases of depression and anxiety.

4. French Bulldog, Bulldog, or Pug

Who wouldn’t love a sweet French bulldog? They are some of the cutest dog breeds and are also very smart and friendly. They love to play with children and to sleep a lot.

You probably already know that these dogs snore. Unfortunately, the snoring indicated serious breathing issues, which is why Simpson-Vernon would never own a French bulldog, bulldog, or pug. All flat-faced dogs deal with the same health issues so, these are a NO for our favorite vet.

In addition to its health issues, Simpson-Vernon also adds some other problems the breed is dealing with:

  • mobility and back issues
  • digestion issues
  • birthing problems

5. Dachshund

Simpson-Vernon says that these “sausage dogs” have strong personalities. The problem with this breed is that Dachshund have a lot of back problems. They suffer from serious back pain.

“The main reason Dachshunds are so prone to back problems is because the majority of them have a cartilage defect called chondrodystrophy.” says the vet. This gives them a short-legged body shape which is very cute but over the years it means a lot of pain for our little furry best friends. A lot of pet lovers avoid adopting a Dachshund because they don’t want to see it suffer.

Dog Breeds
Image by titov dmitriy from Shutterstock

How can you find the best breed for you?

There are several hundreds of dog breeds in the world. How can you find the best for you? It’s a hard mission, but once it’s accomplished it will help you create the best environment for you and your new best friend for life.

If you already are a dog owner or if you are getting prepared to find the best one for yourself, you should purchase and read this book: “The Forever Dog Life: 120+ Recipes, Longevity Tips, and New Science for Better Bowls and Healthier Homes.” It was written by Rodnei Habib and Karen Shaw Becker. The book is a best-seller on Amazon, and we are sure that you’ll also love it. It’s a really helpful guide that every dog owner needs.

The book is very beautifully illustrated, and the authors offer a lot of precious information. My favorites were the simple ways you can help your dog live longer and better. Filled with fantastic stories, The Forever Dog Life makes the world a safer, healthier, and happier place for animals.

Did you enjoy reading the article? If you love dogs as much as we do, you should definitely also read this article: 8 Aggressive Dog Breeds That Will Go Mad in Apartments. It can be also found on our website: The Geeky Gecko.

Until next time!

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