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10 Stinkiest Dog Breeds That Smell AWFUL

Have you ever thought about which are the stinkiest dog breeds? Prepare yourself, because we did some research and are ready to share everything we know.

Let’s start with a simple question. Would you love to have a stinky dog? You’re likely going to say no, you wouldn’t. But can you really ignore their cuteness and all their qualities just because they smell awful? Ha ha. We don’t think so.

This article aims to teach you how to properly take care of certain dog breeds, in case you want to avoid their unpleasant odor.

1. Beagle

Beagles are hunting dogs, which is why they have more developed scent glands. These can produce oils that have a strong and unpleasant smell. Their active lifestyle also contributes to their stinkiness. They often love to play with dirt and water and most importantly, they HATE bath time.

Stinky Dog Breeds
Image by Viktorya Telminova

2. Pug

Because of their pushed-in snouts, pugs are known to deal with extreme gassiness, contributing to dangerous health issues to their annal glands. That’s not all, their wrinkles are also prone to infection since they can hold food and other gunk.

3. Bloodhound

Bloodhound’s long ears are prone to develop infections and become really stinky. To prevent it, as an owner, you need to establish regular baths and keep your little friend as clean as you can. This breed’s oily coat requires more attention in order to be odor-free.

4. Cocker Spaniel

For a Cocker Spaniel, his ears are his biggest problem. A Cooker’s long and hairy ears can develop serious infections.

This breed also has an oily coat that needs to be frequently washed in order to maintain it odor-free. Last but not least, Cocker Spaniel breed deals with various allergies that have a significant impact on their digestion and diet.

Stinkiest Dog Breeds
Image by TinoFotografie from Shutterstock

5. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards have a dense, double coat, that can trap a lot of dirt, leading to a strong smell. Also, Saint Bernards are known for their excessive drooling, a trait common among many giant breeds. The drool can accumulate around their mouth, neck, and even on their coat. When this saliva dries, it can leave behind a distinct smell.

That’s not all, if not cleaned properly and regularly, the drool can become a source of dangerous bacteria.

6. English Bulldog

English Bulldogs have numerous skin folds, especially around their face. These folds can trap a lot of dirt, such as food or bacteria, leading to really bad smells and dangerous infections that can put their lives in danger.

They also tend to drool a lot, which can cont

7. Yorkie

Regular trims and bathing are essential to keep this breed’s coat fresh. Also, a Yorkie’s ears and long hair around their mouth require frequent cleaning to prevent becoming stinky.

8. Boxer

Like all flat-faced dogs, boxers suffer from profound flatulence. They ingest a lot of air when they are eating, which is causing serious digestion problems.

Additionally, boxers can also suffer from allergies and their diety must be kept under control, since they may need a grain-free diet or a specific protein source.

9. Shar Pei

Hereditary Cutaneous Hyaluronosis is a condition a lot of Shar Pei dogs are dealing with. Their wrinkled appearance is the result of a very high amount of hyaluron in the skin. It’s also called mucin and can lead to smelly infections.

Stinky Dog Breeds
Image by Pixel-Shot from Shuttertsock

10. Basset hound

This breed’s long ears are prone to developing serious infections. Basset hounds have a lot of loose skin that requires high maintenance and frequent bathing to stay fresh.

Stinkiness – A sign of illness for dogs

Be careful! A change in your dog’s odor can be a sign of infection and should be taken seriously. Dogs have a natural smell that cannot be changed even with regular baths, brushing, dental checkups, or ear cleanings. So, they are a little bit stinky by nature but their cuteness is what makes us love them and forget about any unpleasant detail.

In case your dog gets suddenly stinkier, it can be dealing with an infection. Here are some of the most common areas you should check in case of a bad odor: ears, skin wrinkles, and teeth.

The food’s quality

Body odor, digestion, and overall health of your dog can be significantly impacted by the food he eats. There are various available formulas, depending on your dog’s needs, such as grain-free or one of the numerous protein sources. Food allergies in dogs, for example, can cause stinky symptoms, from dandruff to excess greasiness, bloating, gas, and ugly open wounds from scratching.

Short-snouted dogs

Short-snouted dogs like pugs, bulldogs, or boxers are known for their digestion problems. These breeds are known for being gassy because of the air they ingest when they scarf up their food. To prevent digestion problems, these dogs should be fed with a dish designed to slow down food.

How to prevent your guests from saying “Oh, a dog also lives here” when they enter your home

Regularly cleaning your dog’s space, can prevent him from becoming stinky. Cleaning his bed, and vacuuming the areas where he used to spend time are essential if you want a good-smelling home. By maintaining good hygiene and regular care, you can help your dog smell fresh.

Useful tips to prevent your dog from being stinky:

  • bath your dog regularly, every 1-3 months with a dog-specific shampoo;
  • brush their coat, this way you can remove dirt and loose fur, which can trap odors;
  • clean their ears weekly to prevent infections;
  • brush your dog’s teeth regularly;
  • clean your dog’s bedding and toys as often as you possibly can;
  • make sure your dog has a balanced and healthy diet;

Having a pet can be exhausting

Trust us, we know how hard it can be to live with a pet, considering all that hair from all over your home. However, owning a dog is a rewarding experience despite the challenges it may bring. As you already know, dogs are popular for their loyalty and companionship. The bond between a dog and its owner can cure loneliness and depression. Research has found that just the act of petting a dog can release oxytocin, the hormone associated with stress relief.

Dogs need a lot of time and attention. Daily walks and playtime are just two of the most essential activities for their well-being. Living with a four-legged friend can be challenging and requires a lot of patience. Even though you’re not a professional, you’ll still have to learn how to train your dog and avoid habits such as excessive barking or chewing.

Are you tired of the never-ending cleaning? On Amazon, you can find the best pet hair remover. It’s a best seller and can be considered, by far, one of the customers’ favorites when it comes to dog-related items. It’s a versatile product since it’s also efficient for cat hair removal. The lint roller for extra sticky pet hair ensures every strand is picked up, leaving your spaces hair-free.

The product is also very easy to use. You must roll it back and forth along any surface to trap fur. The reusable lint roller requires no adhesives or sticky tape, meaning that it can be used again and again.

Did you enjoy this article? We have another related one we would like to recommend: 12 Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed At All.

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