These 5 Small Dog Breeds Are DANGEROUS!

dog bite pit bulls small
Photo by shymar27 from Shutterstock

Other aggressive breeds: pit bulls

This shouldn’t surprise anyone because pit bulls, even if they are lovable, have quite a reputation for being violent. The term “pit bull” has become an umbrella that encompasses numerous bulldogs and terriers, instead of simply applying to a single breed.

Over a period of 13 years, the group was mainly responsible for 2/3 of all fatal dog bites in the United States, with 284 deaths. If the numbers don’t shock you, it could shock you to learn that only 6% of all dogs in this country can actually fit the pit bull category. Spending numerous generations as hunting dogs and fighting dogs, they were bred to be increasingly more dangerous.

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6 Responses

  1. Being the owner of 2 Pit Bulls, I strongly disagree. They are gentle and loving to both other animals and people of all ages. It’s the owners who don’t let them socialize and train them (all it takes is to be the Alfa and like with any other dog, be consistent). It’s the owners who train to be aggressive are at fault.

  2. It depends on how you raise them also ! We had 2 Rottweilers as puppies until age 6 and 10 with young children. Now we have a mixed breed pitbull territory and a pitbull black lab.

  3. We have a Chiweenie (Chihuahua-Daschund). It’s a breed NOT meant for children or busy families. They’ll suit a calm, quiet, warm environment with lots of blankets and small toys where they can be the center of attention perfectly.

    If you have cats, that’s not a problem. They’ll get along wonderfully with them.

  4. Explains my mixed Chihuahua/weiner dog . She is VERY possessive when it comes to me. Never had a dog so unwilling to share me with my poodle. They are the same size and she has gotten better but when it comes time to share the bed, she scares her sister (the poodle) to death. She’ll finally let up and allows the poodle to groom her face..

  5. My first pit bull…sweetest dog ever. My Shih tzu that passed away was the only dog that we had to put a muzzle on at the vet. My poodle that the family had was the meanest dog ever would bite a stranger..very protective.

  6. Note , all dogs are inherently dangerous and will bite without warning . This is particularly true of smaller breeds as this is their only defence . That said , it depends more on how the dog is raised . Those raised gently with love return that love in kind . I have had three boxers that look intimidating at first appearance but are extremely loving and protective of their family , my children grew up with them and were protected by them at times in conflict with playmates and even when being scolded by an adult .
    I have had two Hybrid McKenzie Wolves who were loving and gentle especially around children . Pets return the love they receive they also remember those who would abuse them . If given the option , they avoid those people , aggression is their last resort .

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