Can You Believe People Keep These 7 Weird Animals as Pets?!

Would you have a skunk as a pet? Because some people would.

When I was in kindergarten, my mom used to say that every human on this planet is a bit nutty and special in their own way. She told me that those are the things that make us unique, and as weird as they might sound, they’re part of us.

Well, now it’s my time to say something like this, but I’ve come across a few things that blew my mind, like today’s subject, for instance. I get to talk to you about the craziest animals people have as pets, and let me tell you that it’s going to be an interesting article.

Whether you already have a pet and simply want to know what other people are interested in, or you want to have a fluffy or not-so-fluffy friend and need some inspiration, let’s discover together what small or big animals people adopted as their dearest pets.

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1. African snail

There are two types of African snails: one that is giant and is as big as the palm of your hand, and one that is just big and is half the size of your palm. The giant one is dangerous because its species might be infected with a parasite that can cause meningitis.

One interesting thing about these animals is that they have big appetites. They like to eat agricultural crops and veggies in general, so if you leave a snail like this in nature, it’s going to eat everything.

Regular African snails, on the other hand, might not have the virus we’ve previously mentioned in their possession, but they still eat a lot. I might know someone who has a special snail like this at home as a pet. They keep it in an aquarium and feed him spinach, lettuce, and cucumbers.

These pets, just like tarantulas, shouldn’t be left outside because they can destroy the ecosystem with their huge appetites, but hey, it’s their pet, and they love him.

2. Skunk

I don’t know about you, but this is definitely a no-no for me! If you would love to have a skunk as a pet, you might need to make an effort and obtain a permit – that’s what the officials want in different states. When the paperwork is done, you might be allowed to have one for a beautiful period of 60 years, because that’s the period they can live in captivity.

People who want to adopt them as pets will usually remove their scented glands at a young age, so they won’t be surprised to smell a strong perfume all of a sudden.

Even though they’re wild animals, a skunk pet might shower its owner with love and affection, but if they don’t receive the amount of attention they crave, don’t be surprised if they use their long claws to shred things around your home.

Domesticated skunks should be kept carefully indoors because they don’t have developed orientation skills and might not be able to come home again if they happen to get out.

Photo by Barbara Ash from

3. Madagascar hissing cockroaches

Would you like to have a Madagascar hissing cockroach as a pet? Because many people would. You won’t have to take care of them too much since they only live 5 years in captivity and grow up to roughly 3 inches; just make sure that you don’t mistakenly sit on them.

As tiny as these unusual pets are, they don’t have a problem climbing on glass, so if you plan on bringing one home, just make sure that you secure the lid on their terrarium.

Depending on the state where your home is, you might need to obtain a permit to own or breed a Madagascar hissing cockroach, and if the small animal you’ve chosen is a female and is about to make babies, make sure you don’t lose it outside.

4. Capybaras

An adult capybara can grow up to 2 feet tall and weigh as much as 170 pounds, so yes, they might be just as big as you are. As cute as they are, they have some conditions for being happy and thriving. For instance, they like to live in groups, so if you plan on adopting a capybara, make sure you get two, because they’ll be very excited about this.

Capybaras are social creatures and also semi-aquatic, which means that you’ll need to live in a house so they have enough space to move around, as well as access to a swimming pool or swimming area.

These cute and big animals are native to Central and South America, which means that they’re considered exotic pets. Do you know what this stands for? You’ll have to obtain a permit to adopt it because they’re not legal in every state of the US.

Photo by Anom Harya from

5. Sugar gliders

Have you ever seen any videos with owners and their sugar glider pets? These small animals are nocturnal marsupials native to New Guinea and Australia, and they’re very, very cute.

They have large flaps of skin that help them stretch their arms to their sides, which helps them glide through the air, making everyone around them smile. They need quite a bit of space to have fun in the air, so don’t keep them in a cage.

However, make sure you don’t lose them because they like to hide in different spots, and if you don’t pay attention to where you step, you might hurt them. They’re considered eclectic pets, so you might need permits to be able to adopt one or two because they like to be in pairs.

They’re illegal in some parts of the country, so read more about them before you actually get one. If you don’t pay enough attention to them, they might become a little angry and start chewing on your things.

6. Tarantulas

Tarantulas are very popular in the world, and there are way more than 800 species globally—that’s impressive—but don’t be surprised when I tell you that a lot of them are in people’s homes as pets. The Chilean rose, for instance, is a well-known species, and it’s not that hard to take care of it.

In this case, females are stronger than males and can around 20 years in captivity. Basically, you’ll have an adult pet in a couple of years, so if you’re one of those people who wants a tarantula, get ready to spend all of your mornings and nights with them (but not on your pillow, that’s not safe).

If there are any children in your household, you’d better keep the tarantula away from them because they might not get along. The unusual pets might fall and get injured, or they might get scared and angry and bite the person who holds them.

The tarantulas in the United States are believed to not have poisonous venom, but they can still cause allergic reactions, sometimes similar to those caused by bee bites.

7. Tamanduas

If you’re looking for an exotic pet with long claws and no teeth, and that is very expensive to get, between $3,000 and $8,000, you can think about getting a tamandua. However, they’re illegal in some states, so you should have plenty of info about this before you decide to share your home with these animals.

Tamanduas are native to South America, and they’re like babies, which means that these animals 100% need the attention of their owners. These small anteaters are insectivores, and their favorite food is termites, but they don’t have a problem if you feed them soft fruits, eggs, and beef.

If you plan on getting one, you’ll have to take them outside for a walk because they need to spend time outdoors and climb obstacles. Other than that, they prefer warm environments and a nest, and they can be very affectionate and loving.

Are you into exotic pets and want to know more about them? Then check out this book, because it’s full of insights. If you want to discover the animal kingdom step by step, we recommend taking a few minutes to read this article: 10 HUGE Dog Breeds That Can Live in Apartments!

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