7 Smart and Effective Tips to Stop Your Dog From Biting

Do you have a dog at home?

Whether they’re big or small, of a certain breed or a mix, dogs can bite someone when they feel threatened or unsafe because, besides barking, it’s their way of dealing with uncertain situations and getting out of an unpleasant setting.

There are also other reasons why dogs might bite. For instance, have you ever heard about cute aggression? It’s a weird desire to pick or squeeze something you find really cute, such as a baby or a small animal, without wanting to hurt them. Basically, you find something so adorable that you want to hug it until it pops.

Dogs can have similar behavior when they like something. I still think about the day when I was a shy high school student and my parents brought a German Shorthaired Pointer home, and it was incredibly tiny. I named my pup Mustard (although he was fully brown), and each time I played with him, he was so excited that he would bite me.

He was only a puppy and didn’t know that he was actually hurting me, but I took him to some training sessions, and he stopped this kind of behavior. But if your pooch bites someone, it won’t be a pleasant experience for the victim, and it won’t be pleasant for you either. It’s hard to know that you’re responsible for something bad your pup did, and if that happens, you need to take measures.

Whether your pooch has a biting problem or you simply want to learn how to protect your pet, yourself, and the people around you from such an issue, this article is for you!

Photo by Fercast from shutterstock.com

But before we begin, let’s discuss all the reasons why dogs bite!

In the previous paragraphs, we discussed that dogs might bite because they feel threatened, unsafe, or very excited about something. But this isn’t enough information, so we can have an opinion, so it’s important to talk a bit more about this so you can find the best resources to stop your pup from committing a disaster!

  • they might not feel well – your pup can’t tell you that they feel sick or hurt, so if they’re not exactly well, they’re more likely not going to want to play or be petted, which might result in a bite;
  • suddenly walking your pup or approaching them from behind can trigger different behaviors, which can lead to aggressiveness;
  • they feel scared, they were abused or abandoned by former owners, and they might bite whoever comes to them out of fear;
  • they might bite because they want to save themselves, their territory, their puppies, or a member of their doggy pack;
  • if you run away from a pup, they might not know how to react, and they can start running after you and even bite you;
  • hurting a dog – if you do something that will hurt them, such as stepping on their paws, all by mistake, they might bite you as a natural reaction to being hurt and in pain.

Now that everything’s a little clearer and you can understand what might be going through your pup’s mind, let’s talk about some easy ways to stop them from biting!

1. Take them out to socialize

If you hadn’t been socialized with other people since you were a little kid, your personality would’ve been a lot different, and you’d probably question everyone’s behavior.

The same thing could happen to your pup as well, because if they’re not taken out to spend time and get familiar with other pooches and people, they can develop aggressive behavior when they’re adults, and you’ll be the one responsible for their actions.

It’s not that complicated, don’t worry; you just have to follow the instructions your vet gives you and take your canine friend out in the park since they’re only puppies. Socializing means giving your pooch the chance to meet other pets and also interact with kids and adults under beautiful circumstances, such as a walk after dinner.

Socializing could also mean exposing your adorable pooch to different situations and things, such as loud noises, cars, people riding bikes, other animals, both smaller and bigger, and everything else that might make them scared.

If your dog doesn’t know how to behave around new people and in surroundings they’re not familiar with and you notice any aggressive traits in the way they act, think about taking them to training sessions.

Photo by Mary Swift from shutterstock.com

2. Learn their body language

Knowing your pet’s body language could get both of you out of many unpleasant situations, so it’s very important to know them and anticipate what could go wrong.

For instance, when you’re out with your pup, take a look at them and analyze the way they behave. Are they friendly, do they wag their tail, are they okay with other people petting them, or are they annoyed and start barking the minute someone touches them? If you notice any signs of aggression, that might lead to a biting situation, and that’s surely not going to be fun.

3. Training sessions

One of the most effective methods to make your pet behave nicely, follow your instructions, and be gentle with other animals and people is to schedule some basic training sessions for them.

They probably don’t need anything out of the box to become docile and sociable, but a few basic instructions and a couple of hours spent with a professional and with other pups that go through the same thing are going to be a huge help.

In addition to that, you could continue training programs with your pup throughout the years, so they won’t forget all those good and useful lessons you’ve taught them. What’s amazing about training is that it’s going to help them follow your commands as well as keep their potential aggressive behavior under control.

4. Use a muzzle

If you’re scared that your dog might have weird behavior when you take them out for a walk, you should use a muzzle or a harness to keep them under control. That’s going to help you stay away from any potentially embarrassing or annoying situation in which your beloved pup might act badly towards someone, including barking, chewing, and the worst, biting.

However, you shouldn’t use a muzzle instead of taking your pup to proper training sessions because it’s only a temporary solution and not one that will allow dramatic changes to happen. A harness or a muzzle is going to help both of you have a pleasant walk, but if your pup’s behavior isn’t exactly top-notch, basic training is still important.

Photo by smrm1977 from shutterstock.com

5. Always be nice and patient with them

One thing that you shouldn’t do to your pet is get angry with them and give them mean punishments. That might sound like good discipline for some, but it’s not going to work in the long run. You surely don’t want your dog to be terrified when they see you, and that might also lead to troubled behavior, aka more likely to bite someone.

You should always go for positive reinforcement because your pup will be happy when they please you. One way to make sure that your efforts won’t be in vain is to give them a treat or a reward for any good behavior, because that’s going to motivate your pooch to do things better in the future.

6. Use a leash

One quick way to make your pet calmer and keep them under your watch at all times is to use a short leash when you take them out for walks. That’s going to help you stop any potential problems, and they’ll learn that their behavior isn’t the correct one.

If your dog is a bit problematic and you need a leash, here‘s a good and budget-friendly one!

7. Talk to the vet

If you observe any weird behavior in your dog’s temper, your vet should be one of the 1st people you talk to because they can give you some incredible tips to keep the situation under control.

Besides that, you can never know if there are any inside problems that make your dog behave in an aggressive way, but your vet could help you solve them or guide you to a professional.

Are you looking for a new dog that will fit into your senior lifestyle? Here’s something that will help you make a selection: 7 Energetic Dog Breeds That Are Not Fit for Seniors!

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