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Turn Any Feline Into a Lap Cat With These 10 Genius Tips

Feline status?… Lap cat!

Nothing beats having a sleeping cat curled up on your lap while you binge-watch your favorite TV show. But sadly, not all cats are “lap cats,” so forcing your feline to be a snuggle buddy might be a struggle.

We all know that cats are independent creatures and will only want to spend time with you on their own terms. So sometimes they’ll randomly come lay on you, and at others, they may prefer to keep their distance on a high perch or hidden in their own company!

It’s important to remember that some cats will never want to be lap cats, and that’s perfectly normal!

But if you’d like to motivate your kitty to spend more time closer to you, continue reading as we share 10 tips that can help you train your feline to be a lap cat… or, at the very least, bond more!

Lap Cat
Photo by evrymmnt at Shutterstock

How come you can cuddle with your dog but not your cat?

Genetics play a huge role in how much your cat appreciates snuggling. Kittens that come from friendly parents might be more keen on curling up on your lap, while others are more unfriendly and prefer to keep their distance.

Socialization, which should happen between two and seven weeks of age, is vital for kittens. Regular handling during this period improves their likelihood of being social adults and builds trust. Still, just like us, some felines simply aren’t the most affectionate.

It might not be how you want your cat to act, but it’s best to enjoy the unique way it shows love and affection. So let’s get started, continue reading about some tips and tricks to turn your fluffball into a lap cat!

Eliminate any distractions

Before beginning a bonding session with your cat, consider reducing any distractions that may startle or scare your cat. This will help create an environment where you and them can bond. Examples of what we mean include:

-Turn off your TV or music.
-Put your phone on silent.
-Inform anyone you’re living with that you’d like your home to be calmer for an hour or so.

Create a secure environment

Felines need to feel relaxed and safe if you ant to turn them into lap cats. If your home is stressful and chaotic, your kitty might not feel confident sleeping deeply on your lap rather than in a secure hiding spot. This is particularly true in a multi-cat household.

Assess your home environment and whether or not you could do more to provide security and structure. Ask yourself these questions: Are there conflicts between your cats that create tension? Do you need more cat perches or hiding spots to help your cat feel safer?

These things can influence whether your cat feels secure enough to relax with you or anywhere else in your home.

Don’t abuse trust

If you’re trying to convince your cat that your lap is a secure and safe spot, don’t take advantage of that trust by using it as an opportunity to do something unpleasant, like brushing, trimming nails, or giving them meds.

That’s simply creating a surefire way to ensure your kitty won’t turn into a lap cat in the future.

Offer compensations

If your fur baby is particularly uncomfortable or standoffish, getting them on your lap will probably take some patience, time… and bribery. Try to keep a supply of treats on hand and toss them on the floor. If your cat goes for them, throw one on the couch.

Work on getting your cat closer and closer to you until they’re on your lap. Avoid touching your cat during this activity.

If your cat is already feeling unsure, the last thing they want is to be transformed into a lap cat and forced into cuddling. Let them feel like they have complete control to come to you or leave as they desire.

Lap Cat
Photo by Impact Photography at Shutterstock

Be your cat’s source of calm

If you want your kitty to transform into a lap cat, you need to be calm and in a serene spot. If you’re constantly reaching for your phone, getting up, or fidgeting, that doesn’t help an uncertain cat feel safer.

Keep your voice soft if you’re on the phone or talking to someone else in the room. Turn off notifications on your phone so you’re not spooking your cat with sudden loud noises. Remember that your past behaviors could have affected your cat’s behavior now.

For instance, if you’ve reprimanded your cat or swatted them away for coming up on the couch or climbing onto your lap when it wasn’t the right time for you, they might not understand that it’s acceptable to do it now.

Be consistent in your exchanges and try to build positive connections.

Let the whole process be your cat’s idea

As we already know, cats can be willful and independent. Let everything, from your cat coming to you to choosing when to leave, be their idea. Don’t start petting them if they’re not asking for it, and never force them in the position of a lap cat.

Let them know they can come and go as they please, making them feel safe to come back whenever they want to. Even if you only get a brief time with your cat in your lap, consider it a blessing for now. You might come to find that your cat lays on you more and more each time.

Read their body language

A cat’s body language can be difficult to decode. It’s easy to assume a cat coming up to you wants attention, but that’s not always the case. It may be wanting to play or asking for food, but it’s not looking for a cuddle session.

If your cat settles on your lap and displays behaviors like skin twitching, meowing, tail flicking, or shifting ears, they might be annoyed.

This could be because you’ve started petting them when they didn’t want to be touched, which can quickly turn into petting-induced aggression and a reluctance to lay on your lap from now on.

Avoid staring

How you look at your cat will set the tone of your exchanges. If you stare at your cat, you’ll signal that you’re either trying to intimidate them or a predator. Don’t hold your cat’s glance for more than a few seconds.

Depending on its demeanor, it may help to avert your eyes if your cat approaches you. Looking away will show them that you’re not a threat.

Avoid harsh discipline

The single most significant way of alienating your cat from you is to instill harsh discipline in them. By disciplining your cat severely, you’ll send the signal that you’re a threat. As a result, your cat won’t want to even be near you.

And this should go without saying, but never hit your cat. Try not to scold or yell at them, either if you wish to transform them into lap cats. Embrace behavior change. Reward them with treats for good behavior.

For example, give your cat a treat if they use their litter box rather than peeing on a chair. Or treat them if they use a scratching post instead of your beloved couch.

Lap Cat
Photo by Pixel-Shot at Shutterstock

The bottom line

Some felines are affectionate and are natural lap cats. If yours isn’t, though, you can encourage that behavior using the tips we mentioned to make it a relaxing, positive experience and, most importantly, always your cat’s idea.

With a bit of patience and time, your adorable fluff ball may become so attached that they jump on your lap every time you sitting down.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Be sure you let us know how these little tips and tricks for out for you. And if you liked this article on how to turn your kitty into a lap cat, you may also enjoy: Why Does Everyone STILL Believe These 9 Ridiculous Cat Myths?

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