11 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds That’ll Keep Your Family Healthy

There are many people who suffer from pet allergies, but the best thing is that they can still enjoy adopting a dog without having symptoms. Of course, they probably can’t adopt their favorite dog breed, but they should choose from our list a non-allergenic breed that doesn’t shed as much hair and dander. It’s essential to know that animal experts have classified non-shedding dogs as hypoallergenic dogs.

These allergies usually occur when you are exposed to your pet’s dander when they shed. So, if you suffer from this type of allergy, you should avoid shedding breeds.

When you contact the allergen (whether it’s your pet’s saliva, urine, or dander when they shed), your immune system responds in its own way to fight off that ‘harmful’ substance and produces an inflammatory response in your nasal passages or lungs. People who don’t manage their symptoms are more likely to develop asthma in the long run.

Animal and medical experts say that dander is a bigger problem because it is very small, so it can remain airborne for long periods of time, as well as on your furniture and clothes.

So, to avoid this, they recommend adopting a non-shedding (hypoallergenic) dog breed. In fact, although they may shed less fur than other shedding breeds, the truth is that no breed is completely hypoallergenic.

Moreover, if you have kids, you should know that some studies have found that being exposed to pets may help them avoid pet allergies. Nevertheless, before adopting a dog, it’s important to make sure that you can raise them properly. Adopting a dog requires some maintenance costs, regular vet checkups, good and healthy food, daily walks ad so on. Educate yourself before adopting a dog and try to be a good pet parent.

That being said, here are some hypoallergenic dog breeds that will keep your family healthy. Read on for more info!

dog breed
Photo by Grapsole79 from shutterstock.com

Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Dog breed group: sporting dogs
  • Life span: 14 to 17 years

The Lagotto Romagnolo is best known for hunting truffles in the Italian sub-region of Romagna, but in addition to their hunting skills, they are also non-shedding dogs. As you can see in the picture above, they have a beautiful and resistant coat that helps them swim and keeps them warm when hunting during the winter. Their coat also protects them from debris, making them hypoallergenic.

Although their coat is considered hypoallergenic and rarely shed, they still need regular grooming sessions. However, if you want to adopt such a breed, you should know that they should be trained and socialized from an early age. These wonderful dogs can make good watchdogs, but if you don’t train them when to bark (don’t forget about that), they’ll end up talking and woo-wooing too much and uselessly, which can annoy your neighbors if you live in an apartment.

What many people don’t know about this dog breed is that it was actually accepted into the sporting dog category by the American Kennel Club in 2015.

Irish Water Spaniel

  • Dog breed group: sporting dogs
  • Life span: 10 to 12 years

The Irish Water Spaniel is highly intelligent, active, energetic, and often mistaken for a large brown poodle because of its curly hair. They are considered non-shedding dogs, which can be perfect for people with allergies.

However, according to animal experts, this is a breed that is probably not suitable for novice dog parents, as they tend to be stubborn and independent. Not to mention that they need daily exercise to consume their energy.

If you want them to get along with other pets (especially the smaller ones), you should provide them with proper training and socializing sessions at an early age.


  • Dog breed group: hybrid dogs
  • Life span: 12 to 14 years

As the name already tells, the Labradoodle, which is as cute as they can be, is the result of a cross between a Poodle and a Labrador Retriever. This dog breed is considered hypoallergenic, so if you suffer from pet allergies, you should consider adopting one.

Although they are hypoallergenic, you need to groom and brush them regularly. They are very energetic dogs, which means they need about 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day.

They are highly intelligent creatures, so they need to be mentally and physically stimulated, otherwise, they can end up developing destructive behavior. They can get along well with other pets if they are socialized properly.

Nevertheless, before adopting a dog, it is important to educate yourself about the breed’s characteristics, as well as other maintenance costs. Many people abandon their furry friends because they realize that they are not ready to raise a dog.

Miniature Schnauzer

  • Dog breed group: terrier dogs
  • Life span: 12 to 14 years

The Miniature Schnauzer is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, England, Germany, and other countries around the world. They are devoted to their families and need a lot of attention to be happy and healthy.

Hence, they can develop destructive behavior if you leave them alone at home for long periods of time. Well, it’s no secret that the Miniature Schnauzer loves to be the center of attention every time and have fun with their families.

They can adapt to all living conditions, whether they live in an apartment or a house, but they need daily exercise to meet their needs and consume their energy. Nonetheless, this is a hypoallergenic breed with moderately high energy.

Moreover, try to pay more attention to them when you are around larger dogs because Miniature Schnauzers usually forget their size and tend to become aggressive.

Coton du Tuléar

  • Dog breed group: companion dogs
  • Life span: starts at 14 years

The Coton du Tulear is definitely a “people person” because they love to spend time with their families and be the center of attention all the time. So, don’t be surprised when they’ll follow you everywhere throughout the house.

Their name comes from their cotton-like coat, which makes them hypoallergenic as well. So, if you have a pet allergy, a Coton du Tulear may be perfect for you. In addition, their coat is easy to maintain.

They are very intelligent creatures, which means they can quickly learn tricks and routines and adapt to all living conditions. They are also really good at obedience and agility competitions.

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Photo by Shih Tzu from shutterstock.com

Shih Tzu

  • Dog breed group: companion dogs
  • Life span: 10 to 16 years

The Shih Tzu is very affectionate, happy, smart, and devoted to their families. Even though they have beautiful and fluffy coats, they are still considered hypoallergenic. However, they need regular grooming sessions and brushing to prevent mats from forming.

So, if you’re looking for a non-shedding dog breed that loves to spend time with you, then the Shih Tzu is probably perfect for you. According to animal experts, they are difficult to housebreak, but crate training may be a good option.

Due to the shape of their faces, this dog breed is more likely to suffer from heatstroke, so during hot weather, they should be kept indoors, especially in air-conditioning rooms. Moreover, they are prone to dental problems as well.

Tibetan Terrier

  • Dog breed group: companion dogs
  • Life span: 12 to 15 years

The Tibetan Terrier can live for up to 15 years or more if you provide them with healthy and good food, regular vet checkups, affection, attention, and daily exercises. Of course, this theory applies to every dog breed out there. As the name suggests, they are native to Tibet (but can be found in every country around the world) and were bred to be companions for any type of family.

In addition, contrary to their name, the Tibetan Terrier is not actually a true terrier. They got this name because of their size, but it has nothing to do with their personality traits and temperament. They don’t even share the terrier’s tendency to dig for vermin.

With their beautiful double coat, they can make good pets for people who suffer from allergies, because they are classified as hypoallergenic. That being said, if you are looking for a smart, loving, friendly, and loyal dog breed, then you should definitely consider adopting a Tibetan Terrier.


  • Dog breed group: companion dogs
  • Life span: 12 to 15 years

The Maltese dog breed looks delicate and elegant, but in reality, they are very energetic and need daily exercise to consume their energy. Being companion dogs, they love to be surrounded by people and can suffer from separation anxiety, especially if you leave them alone at home for long periods of time. not to mention that they can develop destructive behavior as well.

According to animal experts, the Maltese dog breed is not a good choice for families with children for two reasons: first of all, they’re intolerant of small kids and can bite them (pay attention to that), especially if they’re not trained and socialized properly from the moment they’re only puppies; and second, although they are tolerant, they can be easily injured due to their size.

Portuguese Water Dog

  • Dog breed group: working dogs
  • Life span: 10 to 14 years

The Portuguese Water Dog, also known as the Cao de Agua (dog of the water) and Portuguese fishing dog, is a smart, loving, and friendly breed that can make good pets for active families. They need daily exercise and mental stimulation to be happy and healthy.

This dog breed doesn’t shed too much, which makes them hypoallergenic and perfect for people with allergies. Of course, they are adaptable to many living situations, if you live in an apartment or a house. In addition, experts say that this dog breed loves to swim and makes great jogging companions.

Among the most important things that you have to take into consideration before adopting a Portuguese Water Dog is to provide them with proper training and socializing sessions, especially when they are young, otherwise, they can become destructive and will chew everything in your house, from wires and shoes to furniture.

dog breed
Photo by Verbitskaya Juliya from shutterstock.com


  • Dog breed group: hound dogs
  • Life span: 10 to 12 years

As I said earlier, your dog can live more than 12 years if you take care of them and provide them with good food, regular vet checkups, affection, and daily exercise. However, before adopting a dog, it’s crucial to educate yourself about the characteristics of that breed and how their needs change with each new stage in their lives, plus other maintenance costs.

Going back to the Basenji dog breed, they were originally bred to flush small game into hunters’ nets and to keep rodents away from people’s farms, but nowadays they make excellent companions for any type of family, especially those with allergies.

What many people don’t know about this dog breed is that they don’t normally bark, but they yodel, whine, and scream instead. Moreover, they are hard to train, so this can be a big ‘no-no’ for novice pet parents.

Speaking of novice pet parents, maybe a cat will be better for you. So, here’s some interesting: These 11 Adorable Dogs Will Get Along With Your Cat!


  • Dog breed group: sporting dogs
  • Life span: 13 to 15 years

According to animal experts, the Barbet dog breed does best with experienced pet parents who know how to train and socialize them properly, as well as meet their needs. However, they are considered hypoallergenic because they don’t shed too much, unlike other dogs. Also, daily brushing and combing are a must to prevent mats from forming.

They are intelligent, agile, happy, affectionate, and friendly, just like their relative, the poodle. In addition, this breed is rare, with approximately 40 making their home in the United States and about 600 worldwide.

If you want to know more about dog breeds, here’s a great book for you! It’s fun and informative, and I’m pretty sure you’ll love it! You might also like: Remove Your Pet’s Hair From ANYWHERE With These 10+ Viral Hacks!

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