7 Low-Energy Dogs That Don’t Shed

low-energy dogs
Image By Anna_Bondarenko From Shutterstock

Chinese Crested

If you like to spend all day watching movies and doing nothing, then you should definitely adopt a Chinese Crested! The best part is that you can find one at animal shelters, even though they are purebred dogs. 

Unfortunately, this dog breed doesn’t accept strangers easily, so that’s why it’s important to pay more attention to their socializing process especially when they are young. 

In addition, the Chinese Crested doesn’t shed too much, has a friendly personality, and is very intelligent. One of the most important things that you have to keep in mind if you want to adopt a Chinese Crested is to avoid putting sunscreen on their skin!

Their skin is healthier if you don’t put anything on it, and of course, not even a moisturizing lotion. Moreover, many Chinese Crested owners don’t know this, but these little souls have absolutely no tolerance for cold. Sadly, the cold can be fatal to them.

31 Responses

    1. Please rescue only! Thousands are killed at shelters for space! Rescues are not broken, this is a lie! They were failed by humans. Adopting a rescue is the blessing we all need !

    1. Sooo True! Over the past 45 years, we’ve rescued 4 precious fur babies, and their love & devotion have been so well received and given right back to them, tenfold. So very many animals have been abandoned and they just lay in a cage waiting for a loving person/persons to bring them home with them to give them a second chance at life. So yes, please rescue.

  1. I had one Husky and after his passing I rescued a Malamute from the same humane society. SHED— YES— But if you are willing to brush them at least one time per week the love you get in return and the little amount of hair you get is well worth it. Now if my wife was here she would say the Shark Navigator vacuum cleaner helped a lot also, And I do remember someone walking by when I was doing my brushing thought I might have lost another dog in the pile of hair on the ground. Bad me, I had not brushed for a few weeks because we ALL were on a camping vacation together and forgot the brush at home. After many years (20+) we are now without a dog, going on year two now, and I miss having a dog so much that words cannot express it. At 74 I still want one but worry a bit that the dog would out live me and my wife and would need to find another owner and that bothers us because we have always spent a LOT of time with our fur buddies, more than most, and they always go with us no matter where we go… except a couple of times when we went to Hawaii without them and that was difficult for me….

    1. Hi Richard, I’m sorry about the sadness you are experiencing with an empty nest. Have you considered rescuing a senior dog? Unfortunately people decide that they want a new puppy and get rid of their older, pain ridden senior. It’s so heartbreaking that the poor dog has to live out it’s years in the “concrete jungle”. It breaks my heart. I’m not sure about the state you live in, but here in CA, we have shelters that let you adopt these “golden oldies” for free, and they also include vet appointments and medications. Please check into this option and spread your love for one that has been dumped due to age. Make your heart sing ….

    2. My mom rescued a poodle mix at age 93 she needs one with lower energy, but he adjust and the care for each other. As for outliving her there may be a custody battle for his cuteness. Me and my brothers and the neighbor all would like him.

    3. Richard, have you ever considered a Basenji? There is a 12 y.o. red & white male up for adoption on http://www.BRAT.com/adoptions. His name is Cooper. They’re real charecters and you should read about them to see if you would be interested. The great thing about them is they are barkless, don’t shed and don’t smell for starters. Extremely smart dogs. Cooper, at his age is low energy. I’ve been searching nearly 2 years for my match.

    4. Hello Richard L. We have rescued 4 beautiful furbabies over the years and this has been the longest we’ve been without one also, was 2 yrs. in November. We have decided to rescue a 4 year old larger dog because we walk 2 miles almost every day and hopefully we will be here for the rest of their whole life to love them to pieces, as we’ve always done.

  2. Why only little tiny dogs? There are some super big dogs that are have those characteristics too! We have a great dane and they are total couch potatoes! Sweet, smart and always just want to sit next to you.

  3. You left out an amazing breed: the Bichon Frise. We have had three of them including the present one which was abandoned in a Greensboro, NC park. He was taken to a county shelter and we ended up rescuing him. The BF is highly intelligent, super-affectionate, and has a quirky funny sense of humor. Grabbed a brand new bra with tags that my mom had just purchased and got himself all tangled up in it and paraded himself around the house. It was hysterical! He didn’t even want to be taken out of it, our cross-dressing boy! And the BF is highly protective of its owners. When I was out walking our dog one day, out of nowhere a huge Pitt Bull came running at us, growling and snarling. Before I even had time to react, my BF broke loose from his lead, and stood right in front of me, growling and snarling right back and moving forwards towards the other dog. The Pitt Bull stopped dead in his tracks, then started shaking and whimpering. By that time its owner had run up and grabbed him, and yelled “your dog scared the crap out of mine!” All I know is that in this moment my dog had sved my life, all 20 pounds of him. My other BF’s were equally brave and when even passed away, I grieved bothof them for a very long time. The Bichon Frise looks like a powder puff but this breed has heart and courage — and he/she are hypoallergenic and don’t shed. My favorite of all breeds!

  4. I’ve had 10 dachshunds over the years and they don’t shed. Generally, they are low energy dogs. Now I have two rescue terriers, one is calm and the other definitely is not (her name is Masereti for a good reason).

    1. I’ve had ten dachshunds over the years – at least two at a time – occasionally three. WONDERFUL loving, non shedding and VERY protective dogs. All were rescues. Highly recommend dachshunds!
      Now I have two terrier rescues – Maserati and Bandito. They are non shedding too. But Maserati is extremely hyperactive – thus the name. Maserati was a street dog in Mexico and Bandito was raised by a Rottweiler hoarder. For both, I was the first “person” they ever had and their first “home.” They have adjusted very nicely to flushing toilets, mirrors, etc. One is now taking the end of the toilet paper roll and running all over the house with it.

      1. June we have chiweenies and they are the BEST mix! They take the best traits of the dachshunds and the Chihuahua and cancel out the worst. So they are lower energy when they are inside with us but outside they are still hunters. They are alarm dogs but don’t bite any one (Chihuahua sometimes do) they have Chihuahua legs so they don’t have the back problems that often come with dachshunds and they don’t shed. I was SO mad when my husband and my 12 yr old at the time son brought them home without consulting me. TWO since they are litter mates but fast forward six year and with the exception of vacations? Our lives are SO MUCH BETTER for having the two of them. They are so smart, so loyal and so willing to be cuddled.

  5. I can’t believe you are listing non-shedding dogs without mentioning the Wheatons. We are on our fourth, and although we love virtually all breeds, the Wheatons are the best! Every other Wheaton owner we have met share our convictions.

    1. Barnabas was the best friend ever. Wheatons are such a dynamic breed. Intelligent, loyal, brave… We cherish the 17 years that we had with him. Miss you buddy.

  6. Shepard are my kind of dog. They are smart, easy to train, shed but who gives a shed…
    Mine was a Shepard after he died I did not get another.. I truly loved and miss him very much…If I could have another dog where I live, it would have MOST DEFINITELY BE a shepard…Kelly Rest in Peace My Boy…Daddy Surely Does Miss You…!!

    1. I have a Chihuahua is so loveable. I had a renter and she left her in the house after not paying for 4 months. I was not a dog lover. Every time I went to collect the rent this little thing would come up to me and I would push her away. The moved and left her in the house. It’s winter in Detroit and freezing. She left her and another dog in the house. I received a call that the other dog was frozen but she was found alive under a pile of clothes. I have had her now for 9 years. I named her Princess and she loves wearing her beautiful outfits, nail polish, and jewelry.

    2. I’m sorry that you lost your GSD Kelly. They are amazing, it is like a double edged sword, it you didn’t love him so much it wouldn’t hurt so much. Sorry. For your loss. Kimba

  7. I have a. Manchester Terrier. She is very loyal and protective. We walk twice a day. She is very easy to maintain and she is strictly and inside dog. I doubt she would get along with other animals or children. She barks at strange sounds, a good thing because l am hard of hearing.
    I have had Chihuahuas in the past, another excellent breed. I wipe both breeds with a moist cloth a few times a week and l rarely get any shedding.

  8. I am 6ft tall and so have always chosen big dogs….a Lab, a giant German Shepherd, a Leonberger….and some mixed breeds. After my last dog died no rescue group or local dog shelters would allow me to adopt because I was 87. Women in my family with my body shape live til 97, have a stroke and die. I have also provided for any dog I might have when I die in my will. I want a dog…a large dog…I would be glad to offer a good home to an older dog….as long at the dog is housetrained (I have never housetrained a dog.) I live in Newburgh,NY….if you have any suggestions, I would be glad. I miss having a dog.

  9. I have a Lhasa Apso. He will be 14 in June. He is the love of my life. I don’t know what I will do when he passes. Lhasa can live into their 20s. I want him to live as long as possible as long as he isn’t in pain. I just don’t know what I will do with out.

  10. I had dogs my whole life. At 79 years old I don’t think I should adopt a dog. I have no idea how much time I have on this earth and I think it would be very unfair to the dog. I may die in a year and the dog would have to deal with that loss and the hope of getting a new home.

  11. So many responses are saying to adopt from a rescue. The poor dogs who come from breeders need homes too. Why punish the poor pups because they are not a rescue dog. They too want and need a loving family. It’s not the dogs fault that they come from a breeder.

    Let me make this perfectly clear, I am NOT a breeder. I just feel sorry for the dogs who come from breeders because so many people say not to buy from breeders.

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