NEVER Keep These 7 Animals as Pets (Here’s Why)

Photo by Popova Tetiana from

1. Big, big cats

Cats are funny, tiny, cute, bubbly, and just perfect for morning snuggles. But I don’t share the same opinion when it comes to big cats, such as tigers, cougars, leopards, and lions.

There are many citizens who like to have a tiny bit of danger in their lives, so they adopt these wild animals as pets, but as you can already tell, I’m not part of that category. I think that they’re very dangerous and strong, and I don’t think those wild instincts simply disappear, even if we talk about raising a cat like this since they’re little.

I’m probably paranoid, but I feel shivers down my spine when I think that these wild animals can bite your throat and kill you in a matter of seconds. So yes, you’d better stick to regular cats; feeding and taking care of them is also more affordable *wink*.

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