NEVER Keep These 7 Animals as Pets (Here’s Why)

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5. Foxes

I get that foxes are beautiful, tiny, and extremely cute, but that doesn’t mean that you should keep them as pets. Red foxes, for instance, can become pretty tame and make you believe that you succeeded in domesticating them, but they’re not completely trustworthy.

They’re wild animals, and they won’t behave like pets because their instincts will always be there. If you take a fox home and treat it as a pet, they might not fully understand your behavior or your lifestyle, and if they feel threatened, they’ll probably bite you.

You might not know that, but they have a very strong musky smell that’s way worse than a ferret, and I don’t think you’ll be able to handle something like that.

And here’s when something extremely bad can happen. Even if you have a fox as a pet, many states in the US are more likely to get rid of your special pet if there’s a bite report because a vaccination protocol for this animal doesn’t exist yet.

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