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7 Most Dangerous Spiders in the World

black widow spiders
Photo by iSKYDANCER from Shutterstock

Black Widow Spider

The black widow spider, or Latrodectus mactans, is a member of the family Theridiidae and this genus contains 32 species, including the brown widow spider. The black widow lives in North America, Central America, Africa, and the West Indies. 

According to animal experts, the black widow is the most venomous spider in America. Their venom is 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake, can you believe it? 

Hobo Spider

This spider is a member of the funnel web spider family. You can easily recognize it by its medium brown coloring and those intricate chevron patterns that are V-shaped, found on its abdomen and pointing straight to its head. Many people confuse them with recluse spiders, and if you will ever be in a similar situation, just run for your dear life.

It is considered that hobo spiders tend to bite if they ever feel threatened, but it’s still up to debate how venomous they really are. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to remove them from the venomous species list. But you can never know, so better safe than sorry, right?

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18 Responses

  1. They left off probably the two most dangerous spiders there are: The Brazilian Wandering Spider (or Banana Spider) and the Funnel Web Spider from Australia. Both can cause death to humans.

  2. Yes, OMG, I am sooooo afraid of sppiders and every night before I go to bed, I check out the ceiling, and every other place in my room that I might think one of those icky things may be hiding!!! I hate them more than anything else, or should I say that I am afraid of spiders more than anything else !

    1. Make sure you plug in a ultrasonic sensor with a blue light. Spiders HATE blue lights. They ABSOLUTELY HATE THEM, and will stay away at the sight of them.

  3. Echoing Marc’s comment, I don’t think there’s a deadlier spider on earth than Australia’s Sydney funnelweb spider. If it is fully loaded with venom when it strikes, it can kill a healthy young adult human within 20 minutes, and there is no antivenin. This one is very aggressive and deadlier than the Brazilian wanderer.

  4. Both the Brazilian wondering banana spider and the funnel spider were mentioned and given their due respect

  5. I have always been under the impression that the male Sydney funnel web was the second most dangerous spider in the world next to the Brazilian wandering spider. Why didn’t the funnel web even make the list?

  6. Even the Wolf Spider can trigger Anaphylaxis, which can be deadly for some. It isn’t necessarily the venom or poison, but the individual’s reaction to the toxin.

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