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Watch Out! These Are the 12 Most Dangerous Home Items for Your Pet

Photo by Eve Photography from

4. Raw meat

You’ve probably seen many movie scenes in which people have their pets, especially dogs, eat raw meat, thinking that is just enough food for dinner. Well, there are many reasons why you shouldn’t do that.

First of all, if you give your domesticated furry friends raw meat, they might get contaminated with salmonella and other dangerous bacteria. Secondly, you shouldn’t give them raw meat because it might spike their hunting instincts, and I don’t think that you’d like to see your dog or cat run after birds for food, right?

5. Chicken bones

Again, you might be familiar with seeing a dog or cat eating chicken bones for lunch or dinner, but that should stop immediately. Whether these bones are delish or not, they can cause a lot of pain and harm to your dear and fluffy pet since they’re very crisp and dangerous.

Your furry friend might even break their teeth, so you’d better stick to special food for them, and I can guarantee you that they’ll appreciate it and love you more for it, am I right?

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