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7 Weird Myths About Spaying or Neutering Your Dog DEBUNKED

Do you agree with spaying or neutering? 

Over time, a lot of myths have circulated about spaying and neutering our pets. Some people aren’t keen on that because they think it will change their dog’s mood or, even worse, because the surgery is unhealthy for animals. In today’s article, we will try to set the record straight and tell you why this procedure can provide long-term benefits for your dog’s happiness and well-being, all while you’re saving other stray animals’ lives and helping reduce animal overpopulation all over the world.

Let’s try to be more united and a part of a worldwide solution to help these innocent animals. Listen to your vet when they advise you to spay and neuter your dog as soon as possible, because the earlier, the better. And if it’s possible, convince other pet owners to do the same!

Here are a few common rumors that prevent pet owners from choosing to spay or neuter their animals.

Photo by Roman Zaiets from Shutterstock

1. It’s too expensive!

In reality, spaying and neutering are extremely inexpensive procedures. Additionally, most communities have low-cost or free spay-and-neuter clinics, making the procedures accessible to everyone, even those with low incomes. Spaying and neutering is unquestionably a more economical and kind option than raising and caring for a litter, or worse, bringing a litter to the shelter.

2. My dog will get chubby after this procedure!

Pets gain weight, much like people, when they are inactive, consume too much food, and engage in too little physical activity. This is not a result of spaying or neutering. If you restrict your pets’ food intake, focus on buying only nutritional food with low fat, and make sure they get consistent physical activity, they will stay healthy and trim.

If you’re not entirely sure what type of food to buy for your pooch, ask your vet. They will know for sure how to help you in this matter!

3. What if it changes the mood of your beloved companion?

Another myth that we’re about to debunk now! A lot of people think that after the surgery, their pets will start acting differently or even weirder. But did you know that unneutered animals are more likely to spray unpleasant urine all around the house to mark their territory? Additionally, unneutered dogs have the urge to jump onto other dogs, their owners, or any other object available to them.

When your beloved companion is sterilized, all of the aforementioned behaviors may change, which is a good thing! A higher level of testosterone might create some aggressiveness issues or undesirable behaviors, which neutering can help prevent.

Having said that, it’s crucial to remember that there are no promises. Both the testosterone hormone and any learned or ingrained behaviors in your pet won’t be eliminated by neutering. The results of neutering are primarily influenced by the unique personality, physiology, and history of your dog.

4. My dog will feel less like a male after surgery

It’s a good thing that only people have egos connected to their intimate identities! That’s why it’s time to debunk this strange idea that has been going around for a long time. After being neutered, pets won’t change their personalities because there is no emotional harm done because their private parts were removed.

After the procedure, only actions that are influenced by male hormones, such as humping your leg, particular items or pieces of furniture, and other dogs they see on the street, will disappear completely.

This is comparable to a female cat that, if not spayed, may yowl and make other strange noises to attract male cats during the time of year when they breed. Trust me, you won’t like that…and probably neither will your neighbors!

5. Leave them to have a couple of litters before sterilization!

This is a myth I’ve been hearing since childhood, and I remember that a lot of people believed it. I still wonder why, mostly because a lot of people let their pets have a litter and then give them away because they can’t afford to feed a house full of cats or dogs. And how is that even fair? To take the litter away from their mother? I don’t agree with this, which is why I advise everybody to sterilize their pets even if they don’t have litter.

According to vets, this procedure will reduce the risk of developing mammary cancer by 60%. If you love and care about your pet, I advise you to sterilize it as early as possible, but only after it is 6 months old.

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6. It’s going to hurt!

If you believe that having your pet spayed or neutered may harm it in any way, consider the fact that for experienced vets, this is just a routine and common surgery to which they’re used. First of all, they will administer an anesthetic to your pet so it won’t feel any pain.

How is the anesthetic dosed? They will know exactly the proper dose to administer based on the pet’s height and weight. When the animal wakes up from the operation, it may experience some minor discomfort, but don’t panic! Because of some painkillers the veterinarian recommends, the discomfort will disappear in less than 72 hours.

spaying, neutering
Photo by Tatyana Vyc from Shutterstock

7. If it stays indoors there’s no need to do this procedure!

Sterilization isn’t simply about preventing the animal you own from having babies, even though it’s possible that it won’t become pregnant or father a litter. It significantly lowers the possibility that your pet may contract certain illnesses, and it’s a crucial step in ensuring that they live happy, healthy lives.

Bottom line

I hope I was able to clear up some concerns that you may have had about the sterilization process. Of course, each pet is different, and what functions for one may not function for another. But before taking any rushed decisions regarding its future, talk to your vet. They are professionals who are educated to answer any question you might have regarding spaying or neutering.

Remember that you are 100% responsible for your beloved companion since they can’t make decisions on their own. Give them the awesome life they deserve to have!

What do you think about these myths? Do you believe them? Or have you already decided to sterilize your pet?

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Last but not least, don’t be shy with suggestions. If you want to see something specific about animal facts, curiosities, or even useful guides on how to take better care of your pet, write it in the comments section below.

One Response

  1. I’m still not convinced. I lived in Europe and the general concern there is not to spay their house pets. One myth is that spaying prevents the pet from getting cancer as they age. Maybe there should be a survey and actual count on these benefits.

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