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These Dog Breeds Live so Long You’ll Grow Old Together

Would you like to have your dog forever? 

As you probably know, the average lifespan of a dog is about ten to thirteen years, but this aspect differs from dog to dog and from breed to breed. According to animal experts, small breeds tend to live longer than medium or large breeds, but we will find out the reason why in this article. 

However, one of the most important things that can influence their lifespan is their lifestyle, so if you’d like to improve the quality of life of your pet, you should pay more attention to their diet, daily exercise, and regular vet consultations. 

Of course, genetics will always play an important role in this equation, so that’s why you’ll find here some dog breeds that are more likely to live longer, regardless of living conditions. Read on to find out more info!

Photo by PITAKSUNTI from Shutterstock


Not only can they live up to eighteen years, but chihuahuas are also perfect for families with kids who live in apartments or small houses. Nevertheless, you have to teach your children how to interact with a dog, as these dog breeds are very fragile and can be easily injured.

Even though many chihuahuas may seem a little aggressive sometimes, the truth is that they have a loving and friendly personalities and love to spend time with their owners and follow them around the house.

This dog breed doesn’t require high maintenance costs or other special treatments, but you have to pay attention to their diet and behavior if you want to enjoy long company with your beloved furry friend. However, if you want to adopt a chihuahua, it’s important to know that they are also very intelligent animals who can learn a lot of new things. So, you don’t have to worry about their socializing and training process. 

Moreover, don’t forget that they can become aggressive with other dogs if they are not socialized properly. This dog breed is generally healthy, but they can be prone to developing certain diseases, such as patellar luxation and pulmonic stenosis.


This beautiful dog breed can live up to 14 years, which is perfect for families with young kids because they can grow up together. However, you should never leave them unattended. That being said, if you want to adopt a Maltese, you should know that they are extremely playful and intelligent and love to spend time with their families. 

Even though they look so innocent, this dog breed makes a good watchdog, so try to pay more attention to their behavior when there are other dogs and strangers because it can become aggressive. Of course, this can only happen if you don’t socialize them properly.

According to animal experts, some dog breeds that have been mixed with similarly sized dogs are more likely to live longer than other types of breeds. The Maltese are part of this category, so if you take care of them properly, they may be with you longer than you would have expected.


Did you know that a Pomeranian can live up to sixteen years? This dog breed is generally healthy, but just like any other breed, they can be prone to developing certain diseases, such as hypoglycemia, epilepsy, dental and eye problems, and shoulder luxation. However, if you take care of them properly, they can be with you longer. So, don’t skip regular vet consultations, feed them healthy foods and walk them daily. 

These cute Pomeranians are some of the most intelligent animals out there that love to meet new people and pets. So, if you want to adopt one, the best part is that you can have many other pets because they can get along together.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier (or Yorkie) is among the most popular toy dog breeds in America and can live up to sixteen years. They have a loving and friendly personality and are ready to conquer your soul with their elegant looks and intelligence. 

If you want to adopt a Yorkshire Terrier it’s important to know that they can be found even in animal shelters, despite being purebred dogs. In fact, this dog breed doesn’t require high maintenance costs or other special treatments, but you have to give them healthy foods, walk them daily and schedule regular vet consultations.

According to animal experts, this dog breed isn’t recommended for families with small children. Yet, it’s very important to start their training and socializing process from an early age, especially if you want them to get along with other pets. 

In general, Yorkshire Terriers are healthy, but that doesn’t mean they can’t prone to developing certain diseases, such as patellar luxation, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), portosystemic shunt (PSS), and hypoglycemia.

Shetland Sheepdog

With a lifespan of around twelve to fourteen years, these cute dog breeds can actually live longer if you provide them a good and healthy lifestyle. Although they are purebred dogs, you can also find them in animal shelters. 

The best part of owning such a dog is that not only are they smart and beautiful, but they also have a friendly personality, which makes them simply ideal for families with young children. However, it’s important to train and socialize them properly. 

The Shetland Sheepdogs love to spend time with their family, but they can get sensitive if you leave them alone for too long. Among the most important things that you have to take into consideration before adopting a dog is to make sure that you can give them all they need in terms of food, care, exercise, health, and affection.

Photo by Fayzulin Serg from Shutterstock


Even though this dog breed can live up to fifteen years, they can be prone to developing certain dental problems and patellar luxation. According to Emmy-award-winning veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber, “It’s amazing how people ignore the oral health of their dog and the effect it can have on the body. Regular dental care and checkups are critical.”

If you want to adopt one, you need to know that, like the two previous breeds mentioned in this article, this purebred dog can also be found in animal shelters. They are highly intelligent and trainable, which makes them excellent competitors in obedience competitions. 

This cute dog breed can be the perfect pet for families with children and other dogs, but you have to start the socializing process from an early age. They love to spend time with their owners, so try to give them as much love and affection as you can.

Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso is a long-lived breed, so it will be a member of your family for years. They can live up to fourteen years and are originally from Tibet. This dog breed was once considered a royal watchdog, but nowadays they are the perfect family companion who will do anything to protect their family. 

Don’t forget that it’s very important to start their socializing process earlier if you want them to be friendly. In addition, Lhasa Apso needs a lot of grooming. 

In general, this dog breed is healthy, but just like any other breed, they are prone to certain diseases, such as cherry eye, patellar luxation, sebaceous adenitis (SA), and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).

Shih Tzu

With a lifespan of up to sixteen years, the royal and beautiful Shih Tzu is one of the most affectionate and intelligent dogs breeds out there. Shih Tzus love to follow their owners around everywhere and can be the perfect pet for families with children and other pets. 

If you live in an apartment or a small house you can adopt this dog breed. Additionally, you shouldn’t leave them alone for too long, unless they are properly trained. 

In general, they are healthy, but some of them can be prone to heat stroke, hip dysplasia, juvenile renal dysplasia (JRD), bladder stones and bladder infections, and eye problems. 

…psst! before leaving check out this amazing article: 9 Amazing Ways to Get Rid of Pet Odor at Home. You’re going to love it for sure!

80 Responses

  1. My tzu is 15. He is still learning new tricks. I’m helping him learn that there sre 3 doors before our house. Some days are better than others

  2. I have 9 Wire Haired Fox Terriers buried in my yard over the last 53 years – a Schnauzer, a Jack Russell and alllll of them have lived to 17, 18, 19 years of age – NO shots, all Homeopathic vaccines, all organic food that I make myself – some were on a raw diet, including raw chicken necks, – also their water same as ours is Distilled water that has been magnetized, energized, solarized and had 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide added to it ( creates oxygen, kills, virus, bacteria, mold and more) and also add Homeopathic minerals ) check out books on Amazon on Hydrogen peroxide 35% Food Grade – books back to 1893; book by Dr Donsbach, By Claude LeBeau – I am 81 with absolutely no health problems – no doctors in my life.

    1. Hello Helen Campbell, I have found your information interesting…especially about Hydrogen peroxide. Please clarify for me are you saying you add the peroxide to your diet or just the dogs?
      I had a GERMAN SHEPPARD who lived to be 16 years of age. Such an AWESOME animal. I truly miss her. She was six weeks old when received. She stayed with a trainer for 30 days when she was three or four months. When she returned she was the best Dog with a great vocabulary! She’s been gone over a year now! I’m thinking of a BereneDoddle. I would like a smaller Dog who doesn’t shed sooo much.
      Congratulations on 81 years of age! Other helpful hints please! God Is Good!

      Suggestions please!

      1. Clara – I have two bernedoodles. They are great dogs. They are not small though. They both weigh 80 lbs.

      2. Clara
        We have a small dog of a Norwich Terrier which is very friendly loves people and sheds very very little .

      3. I’ve heard of adding 35% peroxide to the household well. Also, it can be diluted and used as a spray on plants instead of toxic bug spray.
        As hydrogen peroxide dissipates it neutralizes as water. You must keep the cap on the bottle if you want it to be effective.

      4. Clara I had 2 shih tzus, my male rescue passed last Sept at 16 years old. My female will turn 16 April 24, I got her at 8 weeks old. They are great dogs and she’d very little, though they do need to be groomed regularly. I always kept my dogs hair short, much easier to care for.

    2. In the past I have enjoyed two wire haired fox terriers. Both lived to almost 17 years. And were the most loveable, loving pets that God has generously blessed us with. They both had good regular vet care, ate regular dog food and slept with me every night. Jane

      1. My collies have all lived to be at least 16, with one living to 18. All were euthanized when hip dysplasia (which collies are known to be prone to) became too painful and caused issues with their quality of life. Otherwise, they may have lived a few years longer.

    3. Wow…. you are amazing. I’m 73 and in good health but I will sure consider your methods for myself and my dogs and cats. My Jack Russell is on Raw food now but last year at 14 his tongue was removed from cancer. He is spoiled rotten now and doing well with lots of energy. I do feel animal food is the reason our pets are not living as long as they could. Thank you for your post Helen.

      1. Carrol, I agree with you 100%!
        The dog food out there is definitely killing our dogs way before their time!!

    4. Helen,
      I’m amazed! Both for you and your dogs. I’m 75, and can’t say the same about NOT having docs in my life or my pets.
      Do you think it’s too late for me and my husband to start your plan?
      Linda Romani

    5. had jack Russell was 18 years we just pull down a few weeks ago was blind kidneys were working she amazing dog still painful lost liked human food best also mix breed dog as KID LIVED 23 YEARS ALWAYS BE WAITING FOR US KIDS TO GET HOME FROM SCHOOL GOLDEN LAB BUT WAS MIX BREED WAS LESS THAN HALF THE IN-SIZE WEIGHTING ABOUT 40 LBS SHE ALMOSTLY ATE HUMAM FOOD NOT DOG FOOD NEVER

    6. Absolutely the truth as many animals have lived long HEALTHY holistic lives! I’m a Naturopathic Specialist, with a PhD in nutrition. My own Rotties lived 15 yrs. and one of my horses made it to 34!

    7. Wow! You are great! With your dogs, your lifestyle and best if all your respect 💚

    8. May you all live a wonderful long living happy one thank you for sharing. I have a Yorkie 13 and toy poodle 14 though my Yorkie has had to have surgery for trachea he is doing great . We also feed them chicken use to be raw but to high in protein so we now organic fish and beef . I let them live no cut backs for us, and I’m so happy as they bring it to me. I lost my entire family and only have my two younger sisters . I meet people and have found friends that have became family. I’m 51 and my two kids are my life . I wouldn’t expect others to understand how they kept me. May you forever have happiness!!!

    9. That is awesome!!! There is so much poison in today’s world; stores as well as inviroment. My dog has never had tap water…………always from a Burky. But I do have to keep up on the oral issues which is is known to have……………I see you added Peroxide to your dogs water? Maybe that is one way to go. I think what you are doing is beautiful!

  3. I have had many dogs in my life, I am 80 yrs old, but the longest was my German Short hair Pointer, I lost her at 13 years old. my Airedale was 10 and on his birthday. they died of cancer. My GSP died of lefnodg cancer. myAD died of aggressive melonober cancer. We had the cancer separatist for six weeks and there was nothing he could do. Echo my GSP I doctor for about 8 week and I had to let her go. She was my show dog and a Chaperon. the other were 11, or 12.

    1. We have had two German short haired pointers. The first made it to 16 and the current one is 15.5years. She can’t walk anymore but she is still very loving. Both dogs ran at the park off leash every day for most of their lives.

  4. Chihuahuas are in fact very nice dogs which way too often get a very bad wrap. With regards to kids, I would recommend that people with really young children not consider getting one of these as a pet. Little children tend to find these diminutive dogs irresistible and as a result, they are often mishandled, sometimes much too aggressively. This will result in aggressive behaviors in these dogs who are simply trying to defend themselves. Before you know it, they will bite and you will be upset. Chihuahuas are the 2nd second highest breed to be euthanized in the US which is not necessary if people just take the time to understand the typical behavioral attributes of the breed of dog they are considering.

  5. We have had Doberman Pincers all adopted from the pound and all lived to be 16-18 years old. We hand cooked their food. We spoiled them rotten and they always slept with us.
    They held off going to heaven because they said they were already in dog heaven!!!
    Good for you and your doggies too !!

    1. I hear Dobies are moody and sometimes will even turn on their masters. Is this true?

      In relation to this discussion today, my wife has laid down the law… She told me from day one if I wanted a dog, it would be without her as my wife. I had to choose. So I took about three days to decide (LOL) and finally decided the wife stays. She is allergic to flea bites and was bitten badly by a dog when she was a little girl. She had to have rabies shots! Can you imagine the horror of that whole situation with a little girl?

      As far as owning a dog is concerned, I think even if I was allowed to have one, I might not choose to have one, even though I love most dogs. The reason is I would get TOO attached to it and then when it dies after 20 years, I would GRIEVE HARD for it, just like I would a close family member. I thought dogs lived a lot longer than a mere 20 years. I had no idea their live spans are on average so short! Wow…. bummer.

      1. Your perception of Dobermans being moody and turning on their owners is completely and utterly wrong. They are the sweetest and most loving, intelligent dogs I’ve ever owned. The key to any dog is that they get the proper training as little pups, socialization and vet care. I get my Dobermans from the best breeder in the States. The parents come directly from Europe and are bred for Temperament, Health and Longevity, first and foremost. Plus they look like a Dobie should look – big and stocky, after all they are Guard Dogs. You pay a bit more for a pup, but it’s so worth it. They are a magnificent dog.

        1. We had a Doberman that growled at me once she was in heat and I was fussing at her because she ran out the door and I chased her around the block before I was able to get her home. We also had a German Shepard at the same time who was jealous of the Doberman so I let the German Shepard in the house so I could fuss at the Doberman and naturally she behaved and listen.

      2. Doug McComb, you should volunteer at a shelter. They are always looking for help cleaning kennels, walking dogs, socializing dogs, transporting to vet appointments etc. You can get to know and play with as many dogs as you like. I love volunteering at our local shelter. I have found my people!

      3. A Doberman is a joy to own. Exceptionally smart, loyal and intuitive, they are so easy to train if you have the skill. If not, it’s essential that you get professional help to do it right. When properly trained and socialized, the Dobie has no equal. Given all that, this is no breed for idiots! Much like the Pit Bull, irresponsible owners have contributed to giving the Doberman an edgy reputation. Also, this highly intelligent dog needs daily attention, exercise and work. Integrate your Dobie into your daily family routine, train, socialize and show him off, proving to the rest of the world, what a wonderful breed they can be.

  6. Not surprising that they’re all small breeds. I have a 15 year old female Husky, and though I don’t know when her last day on Earth will be with me, each day I do have with her is a blessing! Healthy food, the proper supplements and a low stress home (and possibly genetics as well) are what, I believe, have contributed to her long life.