NEVER Keep These 7 Animals as Pets (Here’s Why)

Photo by NataliaVo from

4. Kinkajous

Kinkajous are smaller animals compared to their coati cousins, and they weigh as much as a cat or a dog, which means approximately 7 pounds. Their teeth are sharp, and they’re very energetic, so don’t expect them to sit around all day long because that’s not their nature.

These animals live in the tropical forests of South and Central America, and they like to spend time in nature, especially in the trees. Their big and strong tails are used for gripping, and they use them pretty much like an extra arm.

As cute as Kinkajous are, don’t think about adopting them as pets because they thrive in the wild, and they’re also popular for being aggressive on different occasions.

They hate being woken during the day, and if something interferes with their sleeping schedule, they can shock you with a scream or even attack you by clawing and biting you. They’re small, but they’re feisty, so leave them in tropical forests, not in your home.

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