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These 11 Fierce Guard Dogs Are Surprisingly Friendly

Photo by BORINA OLGA from Shutterstock

3. Bullmastiff

These fearless, muscular dogs are a cross between Mastiffs and Bulldogs in a supersized package. Though sensible with strangers, a Bullmastiff dog does have well-established territorial and protective instincts. He must be thoroughly socialized as a puppy so that he learns to distinguish a playmate from an intruder.

To avoid altercations with other people or animals, Bullmastiff dogs are best suited for houses that have fenced-in yards. They are a great walking companion, but you should leave them at home when you go for a jog, since they are not built for sustained speed.

4. Australian Shepherd

This medium-sized Aussie is both brave and beautiful. These dogs are active yet easygoing, and what’s more, they love to romp with children. Moreover, Aussies also tend to get along pretty well with other pets. They are considered easy to train and highly intelligent. What’s interesting about them is that they are especially eager to please their owners.

As guard dogs, Aussies are very protective of their territory and families and will let you know right away if strangers approach, though they are not considered aggressive.

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6 Responses

  1. Always loved the Akita dog..still want one, still in the process of convincing my husband that we definitely need one!!

    1. They sure did! A quality bred Rottweiler is a joy have around. I’ve had 3 and they were big goofballs until it was time to go to work.I’ve had Dobi’s and German shepherds neither of which were in the same category as a well bred Rottweiler IMHO! I loved every dog I’ve ever owned but not all breeds have the same capabilities. Not implying that the other breeds are not good dogs they as long as they come from a reputable breeder.

  2. You letft off Rottweilers They are the sweetest and loving animals. It’d all in the way they’re trained and brought up.
    Pit Bulls another animal that is sweet and loving once again, it’s how you raise them and train them. My nephew has one and he never meets a stranger, he loves every body. He loved the fireworks.

  3. Yes, we love Dobermans, Willow is our 4th, once we got our first Doberman, we were hooked. The lovable, loyal dogs are definitely a plus when looking for a guard dog.

  4. You left out one of if not the best family/guard dogs. The Rottweiler. Rotties are intimidating guard dogs, who also fiercely loyal to their family and can be equally gentle and a bit goofy with that family.

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