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7 Aggressive Small Dog Breeds You Don’t Want to Mess With

aggressive small dog breeds
Photo by Gertrude Goene from

4. Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso is another aggressive small dog breed that can bite when feeling threatened or uneasy, and experts believe that this behavior might be linked to the dog’s early history as a hunting companion. When this tiny and cute pooch is in the wild, it tends to chase any kind of prey that is there.

If you notice that your pup is always on the lookout, it might be because it senses a danger approaching, or it could just be bored and looking for anything to do. The Lhasa Apso is an aggressive small dog breed, and your pup is more likely to attack if it perceives that its target or possible prey is really near them.

Don’t be discouraged by this aggressive small dog breed, because they’re amazing companions, but they need to know the difference between something new and something that can pose a real danger. With the proper training and time spent with you, they’ll learn more about how to become friendly dogs.

Keep reading to discover other aggressive small dog breeds you don’t want to mess with!

6 Responses

  1. I do not agree with you that the Pekingese is a hunting dog. Where did you get your information. They were bred to not be able to run or to venture far from their owners
    They are not a mix of other dogs. They have been a separate breed for many hundreds of years . Have had them for over 40 years and have never had any trouble with them being aggressive to people or other pets. You should definitely do more research on the breed.

  2. My dog, a Bichon Frese doddle acts very aggressive. She barks at anyone or any dog that is on “her street” incessantly. Because of this my husband gets up at 3 to 4 am to walk the dogs (I have 2 of the same breed) so as not to encounter any other dogs.

  3. Dachshunds can be a pretty aggressive breed, I’ve noticed over the past 68 years! (I sustained a mean bite from one, and was only visiting the owner in her living room and discussing recipes.)
    They were bred for hunting badgers, so they are pretty bad-ass.

  4. Many dogs (of any size) can be aggressive if poorly bred or mistreated. I have had experience with most of the dogs on this list and the only ones I agree with are the Chihuahua, the bull terrier and possibly the cocker spaniel (but individually, not as a breed). Just my opinion but . . .

  5. As the owner of a chihuahua, I agree. They are very quick and without proper socialization, they can be dangerous. My baby has been handled by many friends and family. He is sweet and loving. However the only dog bites I have had is from ilmannsred chihuahuas. It is all in the raising. If they are socialized from puppy age, they are sweet and loving, unless they have been breeed by owners that breed family members ,which can cause mental issues.

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