7 Dog Breeds That Look Like Puppies Their Entire Adorable Lives

Photo by sanjagrujic from Shutterstock

Shih Tzus

What’s interesting about this pretty dog breed is that ‘Shih Tzu’ means ‘little lion’, which is absolutely adorable because even their name suggests that they will be little forever, and of course, there’s nothing fierce about them. So, whether they are young puppies or senior dogs, they look exactly the same.

Notwithstanding what has just been said, they are highly intelligent, friendly, and loving creatures. So, they are very affectionate with their people, following them everywhere throughout the house.

Initially, they were developed to be companions, but in recent decades, they have started to be trained for various dog sports, based on obedience, rally, and agility competitions.

Of course, they can get along well with other pets, or children, but you have to make sure that your kid knows how to handle and play with a dog, regardless of their breed, age, or size. So, if you are looking for a puppy-looking companion who can give you unconditional love for life, this is the best option!

2 Responses

  1. People ask me all the time how old my “puppy” is. She was a rescue but we’re guessing around 14. She is white around the muzzle but there’s no other way you can tell she has mileage! Her temperament has never changed, her playfulness has never wavered, she DOES shed constantly (so what? I bought a better vacuum), and what’s written above is right on the nose. Start that brushing right away; Missy doesn’t like to be brushed and it’s an international furor every time I attempt it. But as mentioned above, they’re smart. Missy has her own attorney and her own publicity manager. I’m simply here to feed her and play with her on command. During COVID and cancer she has been a fantastic dog, friend, companion, door-barker, and judge of character. I’m even getting used to the attorney.

  2. Yorkies!!! Where is the Yorkie?!!! My Yorkie is 13 and he still looks like a puppy!!! People can’t believe he is 13 years old.

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