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12 Dog Breeds That Might ALWAYS Pee in Your House

basset hound
Photo by Tymoshenko Olga from Shutterstock

5. Basset Hound

Is patience a virtue for you? Good, because the Basset Hound dog breed will appreciate it. It’s difficult to teach scent hounds like the Basset Hound to go potty because they’re a stubborn breed. They’re notoriously hard to train due to their tracking instinct.

Easily distracted by their amazing sense of smell, these dogs can give you some hard time when it comes to housebreaking. In other words, they’d rather follow their noses than pay attention to your bathroom rules. So, consider this if you’re looking to get a dog and patience isn’t your best skill.

The good news is that Basset Hounds dogs aren’t a lost cause when it comes to potty training. You can train your low-riding hound with positive techniques to nip bad behavior in the bud.

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