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10 Birds You Will Only Find in Missouri

Have You Ever Seen Any of These 10 Birds?

Missouri, also known as the “show-me state,”  is also the natural home to very diversified wildlife, which also includes an array of bird species. Some of the most beautiful avian inhabitants of this state are these orange birds that we enlisted here.

Each one of them brings their own unique touch of vibrancy to Missouri’s natural landscapes. These orange-hued feathered residents and seasonal visitors add a much-needed burst of color and intrigue to Missouri’s forests, wetlands, and grasslands, as well as urban establishments.

Today, you’re going to read a plethora of information about these birds and learn more about dazzling orioles and striking warblers, as well as delightful hummingbirds.

Photo by Janet Griffin from Shutterstock

Baltimore Oriole

The Baltimore Oriole, commonly known as Icterus galbula, is a beautiful, strikingly vibrant, and one-of-a-kind bird that’s originally from North America. The male Baltimore Oriole is definitely a sight to behold with its gorgeous orange plumage and black wings.

These wonderful birds are well-known for their flute-like songs, which they use as a way to communicate and attract males during breeding season. They mainly inhabit deciduous forests and gardens, but also orchards, where they search for insects, fruit, and nectar. Baltimore Orioles are migratory birds, which means they spend their winters in Central America and return to North America when spring comes.

American Robin

The American Robin, commonly known as Turdus migratorius, is a very organized and beloved bird across North America. Even if its name might confuse you, it’s worth mentioning that it is not really a robin but more of a member of the thrush family.

These small but cute birds are well-known for their distinctive orange-red breasts, contrasting dark heads, and grayish-brown backs. American Robins are also associated with the arrival of spring because they are the first birds to return from their winter migration to the south. They adapt easily and thrive in different habitats, which also include urban areas, gardens, and, of course, woodlands.

Orchard Oriole

The Orchard Oriole is a lovely small songbird that originates from North and Central America. The male Orchard Oriole has a strikingly vibrant plumage, a deep chestnut body, and contrasting black wings and tail. In contrast, the female boasts more subdued yellow-green hues.

These orioles are oftentimes found in orchards, gardens, and open woodlands. They feed on insects, nectar, and fruit. They are also wildly skilled when it comes to capturing insects while flying. Their intricate hanging nests are generally hidden among dense foliage. Orchard orioles are known to be migratory birds that winter in Central America but breed in the North during the summer.

Eastern Towhee

The Eastern Towhee is a beautiful, distinctive bird that originates from eastern North America. It has striking black upperparts, rufous sides, and a cute white belly, which makes it easy to recognize it.

Eastern Towhees have different habitats, including dense shrubs and woodlands, but also open areas with underbrush. They are also known as ground-dwellers because they often scratch through leaf litter for insects, seeds, and plant matter.

American Redstart

The American Redstart, or Setophaga ruticilla, is a strikingly beautiful warbler that lives in North and Central America. Males can be easily identified by their bold black plumage with vibrant orange patches on their wings, tails, and sides.

Females and immature birds are definitely flamboyant, with their grayish-green plumage and yellow patches. American redstarts would rather live in deciduous forests and woodlands, but also in riparian areas where they can easily forage for insects and spiders, as well as small fruits. These smart birds are known for their unique foraging behavior, as they rapidly flick their wings and tails to flush out their prey.

Blackburnian Warbler

The Blackburnian Warbler, scientifically known as Setophaga fusca, is a gorgeous, eye-catching member of the Warbler family. Males are generally adorned with bright orange throats and crowns, contrasting beautifully with their black and white plumage.

This amazing combination makes them so easy to distinguish, especially in forest habitats. They are generally found in coniferous and mixed woodlands all over North America, and that’s also where they actively forage for insects and spiders in trees’ branches.

Throughout their breeding season, they boast high-pitched songs that resonate through the treetops, signaling their presence. Even if they have a striking appearance, Blackburnian Warblers can be a bit challenging to spot, mainly due to their preference for high-canopy foliage.

american birds
Photo by Daniel Hebert from Shutterstock

American Kestrel

The American Kestrel, scientifically named Falco sparverius, is North America’s smallest falcon and also a captivating raptor species. These birds have wonderfully colored plumage, with males featuring distinctive blue-gray wings and heads and rusty-brown backs, but also boldly patterned faces.

Females are a bit less colorful, but they also exhibit rusty plumage and streaked patterns. American kestrels are very versatile predators, and they can be found in all kinds of habitats, from grasslands to open fields to even urban areas.

They mainly feed on small mammals, insects, and birds, and they often hover in place before diving into their prey. They have some of the best hunting skills out there, backed by an agile flight.

Rufous Hummingbird

The Rufous Hummingbird is a small and dazzling hummingbird that can be found in North America. These small avian gems are well known for their vibrant and fiery plumage. Moreover, males are known to display superb orange-red throats and upperparts, while females bring greenish-brown feathers.

Rufous hummingbirds are migratory birds, which means they travel from their breeding grounds in western North America to their wintering grounds in Mexico and Central America. They are also very agile fliers, boasting an impressive capacity to hover in mid-air as they feed on nectar from flowers.

Their super energetic and territorial nature leads to intense aerial displays and also chases among males throughout the breeding season.

Black-headed Grosbeak

The Black-Headed Grosbeak is another striking songbird that lives in western North America. Males are characterized by their jet-black heads, bright orange underparts, and bold white wing bars. They have a striking appearance and songs that make them one of the most appreciated species among bird enthusiasts.

These grosbeaks mainly live in woodlands, deciduous forests, and riparian areas, where they seek insects, seeds, and fruits. During the breeding season, their wildly rich, whistling songs echo through the treetops as they set their territories and attract other males.

Black-Headed Grosbeaks are also migratory birds, which means they spend their winters in Central America and Mexico before going back to North America for the breeding season.

Carolina Wren

The Carolina Wren is one of the most charming and vocal birds that live in the southeastern United States. These wrens are wildly known for their warm reddish-brown plumage and bold white eyebrows, but also for their distinctive and upward-curved tail.

Even if they’re quite small in size, they have a robust and melodious song that resonates in many forests, gardens, and suburban areas. They are also very adaptable birds. They forage for insects, spiders, and seeds in quite dense vegetation and brush piles, but they also nest in human-made structures.

They are known to be year-round residents in their range, with cheerful songs that can brighten the gloomiest days. If you’re eager to read more, we definitely recommend checking out the National Geographic series on the Birds of North America!

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