5 Alarming Signs Your Dog Is Dehydrated

Image By alexei_tm From Shutterstock

What is dog dehydration?

Canine or dog dehydration is a health condition that occurs when the animal has not had enough water to sustain the water loss throughout the day. This means that while the animal has had the normal amount of water, due to the amount of water they are losing, both from normal water loss and urination, etc., the blood flow and overall fluid levels in the body are reduced. As a result of the lack of proper amounts of fluid in the body, oxygen delivery to various organs and tissues is reduced, which can lead to severe health issues.

Much like in humans, when your pup gets dehydrated, they are going to lose electrolytes, which means the amount of potassium, sodium, and chloride in their bodies decreases. These minerals are vital for the good functioning of the body, as they play an important role in keeping the body’s pH balanced and facilitating the movement of nutrients to the cells, along with good muscle function and nerve function regulation!

In severe cases of canine dehydration, your pup can end up with kidney failure and other organ failure.

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