5 Alarming Signs Your Dog Is Dehydrated

Image BY New Africa From Shutterstock

How to treat dehydration

If you believe that your pet is dehydrated, the first course of action is to give them some cool, fresh water so that they can hopefully regain some of their hydration levels, especially if you are going through a heat wave or hot weather. Dehydration will start a vicious cycle! Because if they are dehydrated, dogs will also lose their appetite, which in turn will limit the amount of hydration they get from their diet if you feed them wet food.

What’s more, if you are sure that your pup is dehydrated, you may have to replace the electrolytes they are losing since the absence of fluid will cause the loss of these minerals from their cells. This imbalance will negatively affect their organs in the long run. You can only help them regain their electrolyte levels if they are not vomiting as a side effect of dehydration, and in that case, you can give them something like Pedialyte, a fluid that is electrolyte enhanced, but only after you have discussed with your vet the appropriate dosage your dog should receive.

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