5 Alarming Signs Your Dog Is Dehydrated

Image By Kazantseva Olga From Shutterstock

Symptoms of canine dehydration

Unfortunately, it is not that easy to tell if your dog is dehydrated, as they cannot simply tell us they want water if there is no water source around or if their bowl is empty. A great way to be prepared for this outcome is to make sure that you always encourage your dog to drink water, as some breeds and dogs need that little encouragement, while also learning the signs that they are indeed dehydrated.

Some of the signs to look out for include:

  • loss of appetite and skin elasticity;
  • thick saliva;
  • lethargy and low energy levels;
  • the nose is dry, along with dry and sticky-feeling gums;
  • vomiting, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea (but it is not necessary);
  • excessive panting;
  • dry-looking and sunken eyes.

These symptoms are easy to remember, but if you are still confused as to whether or not your pup is dehydrated, a good way to check for that so that you can easily remediate the problem before any health complications arise is to test their gums by doing a capillary refill test.

You will need to gently press your finger against your pup’s gums and then remove it. In a dog that is well hydrated, the gums will turn white for a moment, then take a second or two to become pink again. If your dog is dehydrated, it will take longer for the pink to return, meaning the capillaries need more time to bounce back.

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