Redback Spider
The redback spider, also known as Latrodectus hasselti, is one of the most dangerous and extremely venomous species of spider that can be found in Australia, Asia, and New Zealand. They are often called “Australian Black Widow” because they look similar to the Black Widow, but they are totally different in terms of behavior and features.
In general, the female redback is larger than males and their body can measure ten mm in length (0.1 in). They are nocturnal and feed on different insects, other spiders, and small vertebrates. They catch their prey on their web and attack them by injecting a complex venom.
Unfortunately, their venom can be deadly to humans as well, but complications can be prevented with an antivenom discovered in 1956.
18 Responses
Yuck !
They left off probably the two most dangerous spiders there are: The Brazilian Wandering Spider (or Banana Spider) and the Funnel Web Spider from Australia. Both can cause death to humans.
Oh my, Marc! And they wonder why there is such fear of spiders! As the saying goes, “It’s not rocket science!
The Brazilian was the last one posted
The article speak of those 2, Marc !!
Read again, its listed last.
its there #7
I agree. I always thought the Funnel Web was the most venomous
Yes, OMG, I am sooooo afraid of sppiders and every night before I go to bed, I check out the ceiling, and every other place in my room that I might think one of those icky things may be hiding!!! I hate them more than anything else, or should I say that I am afraid of spiders more than anything else !