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6 Fall Things Dangerous for Your Dog

fall things
Image By TimmerTammer From Shutterstock

Acorns and chestnut

They may seem fun to run around after the pets and like little fall things that can bring us joy, but for our dogs, acorns and chestnuts are more of a danger than you can imagine. Chestnuts and acorns can actually be poisonous to dogs, and you should always make sure you keep an eye on your furry friends so that they do not end up eating something they should not.

Especially if you have a dog that likes to pick up things and carry them around, as you can never know if they ate something like an acorn or not. If you think that your dog may have eaten a chestnut at any point, make sure to contact your vet and get your pet checked out. Chestnuts can end up causing intestinal blockages besides the poison element they bring to the table.

So keep an eye out for these little dangerous fall things!

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