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11 Rare Dog Diseases You Need To Know About Now

Dog diseases are very common among our canine friends and so, as pet owners, we must do everything we can to assure them a healthy lifestyle and prevent them from getting sick.

Even though we never skip any vet exams, pay attention to any unusual symptoms they have, and love them unconditionally, sometimes doing everything in our power to keep them safe, is just not enough.

We made a list of 11 dangerous illnesses which are rare but still can affect your dog. Below you will find all you need to know about them, including how you can treat each one of them.

dog diseases
Photo by srw-photo from Shutterstock

1. Malignant Hyperthermia

Dogs who unfortunately get sick with malignant hyperthermia will develop high body temperatures as a result of stress, excitement, activity, and so on.

These puppies have damaged channels in their muscles which cause them to contract and in the end, they fail to relax in a normal way.

It causes spasms and muscle twitches. What can happen if your dog is suffering from it? Severe metabolic changes, uneven and fast heart rhythm, organ failure, and in some cases, even death.

You can prevent it by keeping your furry buddy in a friendly environment in order to avoid unwanted events which can cause him a heart attack and in a cool setting.

How can you treat them? After going to a vet exam, the episodes will be treated using the intravenous drug dantrolene.

2. Ectopic Ureter

If your puppy leaves behind dribbles of urine around the house you should consider urinary tract infections or the lack of appropriate training. However, if these are ruled out, after a proper visit to your vet, there is a high chance your dog is suffering from ectopic ureter.

An uncommon birth defect might cause one or both of his ureters, the tubes which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, to empty in the bladder.

How can you treat it? Surgery is the most frequent way to do so, however, medications and some therapy might be an alternative answer.

3. Addison’s Disease

Addison’s disease is the exact opposite of Cushing’s or hyperadrenocorticism. Cushing’s is an illness that forces the dog’s body to produce too much aldosterone or cortisol.

Addison hits the body when it doesn’t produce enough of the previously mentioned hormones. What is causing it? Failure of the adrenal glands, an autoimmune disease, trauma, cancer, or taking too much of Cushing’s treatment.

The symptoms are vague and you can’t tell the diagnosis from them. What can happen to your pet is: the body becomes too weak, has extreme digestive issues, and collapses.

How can you treat it? With the help of the medication, your vet has prescribed you.

dog disease
Photo by Lindsay Helms from Shutterstock

4. Alabama Rot

Cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) is long-term for Alabama Rot. Sadly, researchers haven’t come up yet with any clear cause for this illness. The first signs of the disease are skin sores which weren’t generated by an injury.

They look like lesions, ulcers, patches of red skin, and swelling. They usually appear below the knee, on the elbow, or even face and stomach. It causes hair loss and makes the dog lick the wound.

After a maximum of 7 days, more severe symptoms will start to appear such as vomiting, fatigue, and low appetite.

How do I treat it? If you have any small concerns and doubts go immediately to a vet, they will recommend appropriate medication for your dog.

However, bear in mind that it’s extremely rough and the rate of surviving the prescribed drug is extremely low.

5. Alopecia X

This term is used to describe the disease which causes the hair loss your dog is facing. Many dogs have dealt with this one.

The X in the name stands for the unknown that the veterinary community is facing while dealing with this disease. In the beginning, parts of the body are covered with fuzzy hair, but sooner or later it all falls.

How do I treat it? No treatment has been discovered, however, there is no need to since it’s only a matter of appearance.

Some dogs did respond to hormone supplements, a medication that suppresses adrenal function, or even castration.

6. Myasthenia Gravis

This disease is attacking the link between a dog’s nerves and muscles. How does this happen? Well, the main cause might be that the puppy’s immune system is harming its neuromuscular junction.

However, cancer, failure of the thyroid gland, birth defects, and others could be an explanation.

The first symptom of myasthenia gravis is muscle weakness, in some isolated cases it seemed that only a few muscles were affected, but in other circumstances, the whole body was suffering.

What can you do to treat it? Your vet might be recommending supportive care and medications that will help you avoid the failure of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Doing so will give the necessary support to your puppy in order to live a normal life.

7. Rabies

This fatal disease is attacking your dog’s nervous system. Rabies is one of the worst because it spreads very easily from mammal to mammal, humans included, and it is almost 100% fatal.

It’s being spread through saliva which means that bites from infected animals will put your pet in danger. Many wildlife animals have died because of this harsh illness over the years, even though the vaccination campaign against it is going pretty strong.

The worst part is that when they start to develop symptoms there’s nothing left you can do.

How can I treat this? The best and only option is to vaccinate your furry friend.

8. Hyperthyroidism

This disease is pretty rare among dogs mostly because it is uncommon for their thyroid gland to produce excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. However, in some cases, the illness has developed because of a thyroid tumor.

Hyperthyroidism can make your puppy lose weight and have an irregular heartbeat. Other symptoms are bark changing, constant being hungry, aggressive behavior, hyperactivity, and so on. If not treated it can get worse.

What can you do? Go to a vet for a proper exam and most likely he will suggest surgery to eliminate the tumor after which they will recover well.

dog disease
Photo by DimaBerlin from Shutterstock

9. Mad Itch

The mad itch is the term used for a lethal herpes virus. Mostly, farm dogs are the ones in danger because this illness is caused by coming in contact with infected pigs.

The concerning part is that there are no symptoms in most of the cases. The itch will attack their nervous system which results in an unexpected death.

However, if the disease is manifesting here are the symptoms you should pay attention to: fever, drool, and an uncontrollable itchiness. Despite that, unfortunately, your dog is still going to die.

Is there any treatment? Unfortunately, this disease has no cure at the current moment.

10. Fungal Infection

This disease is rare for the people living in the northern region of the United States, however, in the southern part, it’s a pretty common illness. This infection is triggered the moment your dog inhales a fungal spore that is commonly found in the soil.

After that, it will attack their respiratory system causing multiple infections and serious pneumonia. It can also affect their skin, nails, and fur.

Some common symptoms are hair loss, crusty skin, and itching. Some diseases which fit into this category and you should look up are Blastomycosis, Cryptococcosis, and Aspergillosis.

How can you treat it? There are several medications on the market which your puppy is required to take for several months.

11. Prostate problems

The most common sign your dog is suffering from prostate problems is when they have a hard time urinating.

That is caused by the enlargement of the urethra land pressuring on the urethra. If the gland gets too big it might affect the colon which will generate defecating problems.

What is the treatment for it? Usually, the treatment is different depending on the problem, however, what is certain is that your dog will take it for a long time.

You may also find this related article helpful: 10 Foods That Help Your Dog Fight Disease. If you’ve recently become a dog owner, here’s a book that will help you to train your four-legged friend.

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