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Did You Know These GIANT Creatures Live in the US?

huge mammals
Image By saraporn From Shutterstock

Giant American Bears (cont.)

The Kodiak bear is a subspecies of the black bear that gets its name from the Kodiak Archipelago located in southeastern Alaska, and they are known to be some of the biggest bears that live in the region. The least this type of bear can weigh is around 1,500 pounds, but there have been wild specimens around that have reached over a ton, which reaches up to 2,210 pounds. These bears are cousins of the grizzly bears and the now-extinct California grizzly bear, but they are on average about 1.5 to 2 times bigger than them!

The sister species to the brown bear, the Polar bear, is not as big as the Kodiak bear, but it is still a huge mammal. The polar bear can weigh anywhere between 770 and 1,760 pounds for male specimens, while females are usually half their size. This does not mean that there could not be really big female specimens as well. Due to climate change, the polar bear is considered a vulnerable species as their habitat is getting smaller and smaller with each passing year.

And since we have stopped to admire some huge mammals that exist in our world, how about we turn our attention to the tiny ones? Keep on reading to discover the smallest animals in the world here!

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