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If You Notice These 7 Things in Your Cat, Take a Trip to The Vet Now

Photo by Laura Chouette / Unsplash

Excessive thirst

In most households, convincing the cat to drink enough water could prove challenging. They aren’t generally drawn to water, and you won’t see your cat thirsting like its canine counterpart would. That’s why if you notice that your feline friend starts drinking water like it’s the last thing left on the earth, then something’s definitely off.

When pets are thirsty, they drink anything, so if you notice that your cat’s water bowl gets empty faster than usual or your feline friend is searching for water in peculiar places (toilet or faucet), then it might lead to a serious issue.

Endocrine disorders such as diabetes and hyperthyroid diseases are usually at fault for this sign; they’re the ones that cause excessive thirst, and they’re much more common in older cats. However, the silver lining is that these disorders can be effectively treated if they’re detected on time. If your cat drinks like a fish, make sure you schedule an appointment with the vet.

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